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What razor is this?

At first look it appears to be a shavette. But then look closely at the angle and the edge. It seems to me that it's maybe some sort of hybrid-cartridge-shavette?

Edit: when I previewed the post the youtube video worked. Oh Well. I'll try re-posting it.
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Edit: same thing again. Works in preview, Doesn't once posted.
It looks like some form of the Magic Razor. Half a double edge blade is placed into a carrier which is then pushed into the razor.
It looks like some form of the Magic Razor. Half a double edge blade is placed into a carrier which is then pushed into the razor.

That's what I thought at first, but it looks like he's using the side rather than the edge. It also looks much thicker. watch from 1:10, it appears that he clips something into the razor.

or maybe I've just watched too many damn shaving videos and I'm seeing things. Please tell me I'm not crazy!:tongue_sm
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