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What razor/blade did you use today

Rockwell 6s plate 5 / Treet Black Beauty (1).


This is the second shave with a new Black Beauty, and I’m finding them to be wonderfully comfortable and smooth. They may not be the longest lasting, (although they perform fairly well on that front), but the shaves are just very nice! I’m ordering more!
SOTD, Wed, Jan 6th 2021

Razor: Gillette Fatboy E4- Mfg 1959 4thqtr, excellent adjustable, proven the test of time, I enjoy this razor yr birth date also, works well.
Blade: Personna red(4) one of my top tier blades, I enjoy the results 95%+ of the time.
SOTD, Wed, Jan 6th 2020.jpg

Have some great shaves! Stay & think safe in these times!
I have a few razors from my birth year and they work better than I do [emoji1]

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Razor: Karve Brass SB-D (Widebody Brass cap)
Blade: Silver Star (3)
Brush: Rudy Vey Keyhole (Shavemac 24mm 2-Band Silvertip)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Musgo Real Classic
Post-shave: Clubman Osage Rub
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman

Three passes + touch-up. No nicks, cuts, weepers or irritation.

Great shave! :cool:
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