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What razor/blade did you use today

Razor: US 1948-9 Gillette Super Speed
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless (2)

Excellent shave tonight with the silky smooth 40's Super Speed.

A great pairing with the Russian Astra Superior Stainless, a blade I wasn't familiar with. Early days but it fills a nice upper-mid sharp/smooth niche.

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For tonight:
Pre shave Proraso
Shave Cream Proraso Soap
Omega Boar Bristle
Razor: Gillette Slim: 1st pass wtg (3) 2nd pass atg (5)
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless Steel
Aftershave: Aqua Velva


Not sure if I'd say Astra is better than Silver Blue, we'll need to wait for a few shaves to check durability. But it is the first to freely go below the jawline with no irritation. Silver Blue is still the best on my face.

I'm almost out of Proraso soap. Looking to give something else a try. Goodfellas Smile has my interest peaked. Anyone ever use that brand? I'm looking at Sea Citrus and Pino Alpestre.
Modern May 2024

Razor: Karve Bison (2)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Preshave: Hot shower; Cereve Hydrating Facial Cleanser
Lather: Van der Hagen Luxury scented + Cremo Cooling
Aftershave: Cold water rinse; Nivea Men Sensitive Soothing Post Shave Balm

No nicks; No irritation; Very close; Very smooth; Pleasant DFS++ shave; This combo is deceptively efficient. Smooth result.

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