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What old silo door type shaves like a ball tech?

I have a gold ball tech that shaves mild and is great for my beard type. excellent shave. I would like to get an old gillette silo door type that shaves just as mild. Blue tip? Red tip? Superspeed?

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Your question is a confusing one. The term "adjustable" refers to the Gillette slim (and variants) and the Gillette Fat Boy (to include an adjustable Aristocrat) but, you ask about Blue tips, Red Tips and the Super Speed none of which are considered Adjustable razors.

Please clarify for those who may be able to help you.

In the meantime, please see here.

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I don't see the word adjustable anywhere in the op's question. He is just looking for a TTO that shaves similar to a ball end tech.
A 40's Style Super Speed or the later Flare Tip Super Speeds (non color tips) are very close to the Ball Tech's IMHO. I think I read elsewhere on the Forum the colored tips (blue, black, red) are more aggressive but I have no personal experience with these razors. Hopefully others will chime in on this.
I would say the Blue Tip would be a fairly close match to the Tech.

I don't see the word adjustable anywhere in the op's question. He is just looking for a TTO that shaves similar to a ball end tech.

I DID mess up and put adjustable in there (brain fart) but noticed it right when i posted and changed it quickly before anyone posted (I thought before anyone noticed). Lakebound probably opened it right at that moment just before my edit.

Thanks for the replies, sorry for the mixup lakebound.


B&B membership has its percs
I'd go with the Flare Tip Superspeed - of the ones mentioned it was made over a much longer period & thus can be found in minty shape for a song ..
I already said I did, I edited it just before your first post above.

Yes Sir you did. I was merely responding to the last unread post that I saw from another forum member who directly quoted and addressed me personally. In other words, I was defending my first response to you when I was asking for a clarification.

Best of luck in finding your razor and many happy shaves.

I think you would be happy with almost any of the Superspeeds. I would stay away from the black tips because they seem to have a fairly high incidence of the TTO mechanism being fouled. Also, the Red Tip is one of my favorite razors, but it is not near as mild as a Tech. The Blue Tip is the most mild of all.

Good luck finding your favorite, and don't be surprised if you end up having more than one!
I have a 40's-style, a couple Flare Tips and a Red Tip. I also have a ball-end and a heavy handle Tech. I think any of the Super Speeds (except the Red Tip) compare close to the Tech in mildness. I would say that any SS would be fine. If you are all about "the mildest' then probably the blue tip would be worth trying.
Thanks guys. I think a good deal on any super speed would be a good place to start. If I don't get taken then I could probably sell it for what I got it for or close if it did not work out.

I have a de89l I use as a daily driver and I really like it, but trying my tech again the ej might be slightly on the aggressive side. That may sound weird to many as it's not considered an aggressive razor, but my beard is think and silky soft. I don't think it takes much aggression. I don't plan on getting rid of the ej, just want to try something else.
I frequently use a 60s Super speed and really like it. The 60s head is a little less domed and it makes it easier (for me) to get close in the under the nose area.
Well, I have a blue tip coming that should be here in the next couple of weeks. I like the looks, the price was where I wanted to be so I decided to start there. I will see how it is and go from there.

thank you for all of the posts, have a good thanksgiving those of you in the US.
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