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What knot do you use?

Im a kilted gentleman. I usually dress casually, but it is fun to dress up on occasion.
I usually tie a Windsor knot. I have seen some new fancy knots that are tied with the skinny end of the tie.

Does anyone any feeling about them? Good? Bad? Silly?



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Usually Windsor knot, occasionally 4-in-hand if the tie is thicker.
Pratt/Shelby, or 4 in hand if the tie doesn't seem to want to pull of my usual pratt knot.

When I'm really bored, I die an Eldredge knot, but only on a dark tie, so the design remains subtle and not too ostentatious. People don't always notice, but the ones who do love it.
4 in hand every day. I prefer it's approachable asymmetrical informality over the Windsor.

Also, my face wears a smaller knot much better than a large knot.
Windsor and half windsor, depending on the shirt. I don't get to go white collar often (usually blue or wash and wear), but when I get the chance, I go all out.
I usually go with the four in hand. I have a thin neck and I find it doesn't dominate my neck as much as a windsor variation. If I am wearing a skinnier tie, I'll sometimes do a double-wrapped four in hand (I'm not sure what that knot would be called).
I've always liked symmetry and prefer the Windsor. My problem has always been that I've got a fairly large chest/neck and tying a Windsor so that it hangs at the correct level keeps the skinny end of the tie from hanging down far enough to be placed in the 'loop' on the back of the larger end. I guess I need to buy some longer ties from the big and tall stores. Right now I just thread the skinny portion in between my shirt buttons so that it stays inside my shirt and not 'side stepping' out behind the larger end of the tie.
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