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What kind of razor is this thing?


A rhetorical question as I know what it is :001_smile

So let's see what others think it is....

I am looking for:

1) Manufacture of razor
2) Type of blade it uses
3) Model name of the razor
4) Purpose it was designed for

And NO "It's a razor" is not the right answer

NO GOOGLING or eBay browsing. Just guess. If you KNOW, PM me instead of posting as I want to see how many guesses are made before someone (who does not already know what it is) guesses what it is.

No guesses yet?

Here it is keeping my Kent BK8 company.

Should I use it for today's shave? Would YOU use it?

Some sort of vintage tic tacs?

Ummmm NO... :001_smile

does it open from the middle?

It pulls apart, the white part pulls out of the red part then goes back together reversed to make the razor

Pretty sure I know what it is, PM sent.

You were close but not right on what the name of the manufacture is or what the model of the razor is (PM sent back to you). You did get the type of blade it uses correct
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Turtle said could post my answer and that I was 80% correct....

Is that a Schick fashion razor? If so its single bladed and worked like the injectors. My Mom has my her mother's.

Now I'm tempted to call Mom and ask her.....
So far everyone has figured out what it is except for the actual "name" that the razor was marketed under.

We have some very astute B&B members out there, that's for sure

Another pic of it since most of it has been guessed

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OH well... Run long enough.


1) Manufacture of razor
2) Type of blade it uses
3) Model name of the razor
4) Purpose it was designed for

Razor is:

1) EverSharp - Schick
2) Injector
3) "The Deb" Fashion razor
4) Ladies travel razor

It's not one you come across all the time and if you saw one in a "junk store" you may not even recognize it as a razor unless it was put together or still with its box.

Hope everyone had fun :001_smile

:lol:So... You know that we're all waiting with baited breath... How does it shave?:lol:

You think I am going to put that THING on my face? $smiley_ROFLMAO.gif

I'll give it a go sometime in the next week or so and resurrect this thread to give the verdict. Looks like it might be a little awkward for face shaving but ya never know. Other than that it "should" be just like any other injector shave
:lol:Yeah, good luck with THAT!! If I were you, a THOROUGH cleaning and disinfecting would be in order first!! Mick, sometimes you just crack me up!!:lol:
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