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What is your personal integrity worth?

Antique Hoosier

Tonight, less than an hour ago, I ended a budding relationship with my "girlfriend" of two months (roughly). This was the same woman that I wrote about after our disaster of a first date. It all boiled down to SERIOUS honesty issues concerning very serious subjects. I myself am proud of the integrity that I mustered up in my coming to this realization. On the surface she had become what I thought was exactly what I wanted. Through a dire family crisis which reared it's very ugly head in her immediate family, the lying and poor personal integrity of this woman came through like a steam engine.

I just wanted to post this as some "personal therapy" for myself and a reminder to all that no matter how beautiful something appears, it isn't ever worth the loss of your integrity as a man.
Hell yeah, I applaud your fortitude, sir. Integrity is one of those things you don't appreciate enough in yourself until you see it slip away. How many of us have worked jobs or been in relationships well past the sell-by date? It's not worth it...time is too short to sell yourself out. Good on ya!
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Good on ya Mike. Integrity is the one thing you can't sacrifice, be it to yourself, your family or whatever you hold dear. Something anyone who's ever been affiliated with the military gets down pretty quickly.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
If things are bad in the first few months when you are supposed to be in the "honeymoon period", especially things relating to honesty, walk away. I could have saved myself almost eight years of my life if I had realised this with my Ex. I think you have probably done the right thing.
Good decision. I'm a strong believer in the quick chop. As someone said, there's no point, if it isn't good in those first few months. I also am a big believer in the idea of social equals. People can overcome differences in religion, ethnicity and culture but if you're not social equals I think the odds are strongly against you. She sounds a little trashy for you.
I agree with the other gentleman here. Sounds like you made the right choice. Many times the right choice is the hardest so kudos, and good luck :001_smile
Personal integrity's worth, priceless. It has been said that you lose your integrity and virginity twice, the first and last time. Losing the latter was a pleasure but I wouldn't trade the former for the latter and it is easier to take back a @##$ than it is to regain your integrity and the accoutrements which accrue with it; besides, forever is too long a time.
you gentlemen are much more virtuous than i was as a single man. i didn't have the luxury of maintaining much integrity where women were concerned it saddens me to say. with my very average looks and wanting personality i had one operating priority and personal integrity was not its name.
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If anyone is looking for integrity, I'm about to offer some up on the BST at a very fair price. I only have so much to go around, and it's NOS, so I'll take offers via PM. PayPal only please, no personal payments...
If anyone is looking for integrity, I'm about to offer some up on the BST at a very fair price. I only have so much to go around, and it's NOS, so I'll take offers via PM. PayPal only please, no personal payments...

Hey Monkey, is it still sealed? Will I have to take anti-rejection drugs after I get the surgery to replace my old, worn-out integrity?
As Judge Judy would say count yourself lucky it was only a couple of months. Anyway women and integrity don't mix easily (duck), they are social checkers and more interested in conforming rather than upholding any notion of integrity.

What's that saying about a women's integrity bending like.....
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Good for you. You recognized a bad situation, dealt w/ it and moved on. Many times folks try to weather the storm only to have the life and energy drained from them before cutting their ties.
Tonight, less than an hour ago, I ended a budding relationship with my "girlfriend" of two months (roughly). This was the same woman that I wrote about after our disaster of a first date. It all boiled down to SERIOUS honesty issues concerning very serious subjects. I myself am proud of the integrity that I mustered up in my coming to this realization. On the surface she had become what I thought was exactly what I wanted. Through a dire family crisis which reared it's very ugly head in her immediate family, the lying and poor personal integrity of this woman came through like a steam engine.

I just wanted to post this as some "personal therapy" for myself and a reminder to all that no matter how beautiful something appears, it isn't ever worth the loss of your integrity as a man.

A little pain now is better than a lot of pain later. We are known by our words and our actions. When we slip, and we all do, we have a choice in following that slippery slope down or making amends. People can change, but it may be more effort than most of us are willing to put forth.

You might be able to salvage the relationship "IF" it is that important to you. But remember the fable of "the Scorpion and the Frog" - "I could not help myself. It is my nature" If anyone needs a jog of their memory for this fable http://allaboutfrogs.org/stories/scorpion.html
Prov. 31:30 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
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