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What is you most USER FRIENDLY DE RAZOR?

If one is simply looking for an auto-pilot shave, I would say Tech.
If you include blade handling in user friendliness, I would choose a Super Speed.
I've got a bunch of vintage Gillettes I haven't gotten around to shaving with yet, but I find my '61 Super Speed to be the most user-friendly of those I've used to date. Effortless, even if it doesn't give me the closest shave in my collection.

Techs aren't as user-friendly for me, because their relative lack of blade feels means I have to pay closer attention to my technique when I'm using them. Incredibly smooth, though.
1964 Gillette Super Speed Hits the sweet spot with TTO ease of use.
For me, it's a dead heat between a post-war Tech and a post-war SuperSpeed.
An Honorable Mention goes to the Yates Winning.

Quite honestly for me, it's between the SuperSpeed and Muhle R89
ASD2 is very good as well, but one can easily lose the effective cutting angle during use.

It would be a toss-up between:

Edwin Jagger DE89
Merkur 42C
King C Gillette

I’d have no hesitation recommending any of these to someone who had never shaved with a DE. The Jagger was my first “proper” DE razor after a Wilkinson Sword Classic (black plastic) and I feel my technique came on leaps and bounds with the Jagger, to the point I felt ready to try a Merkur Futur around 6 months in.
I didn’t use a 42C or King C Gillette until 7-8 years after I first shaved with a DE but I find both to be similarly user friendly to the DE89.

Edwin Jagger DE89, the first razor I bought…

I agree OP. Hard to beat a Tech and there are tons (millions?) of them out there. The Techs are on the mild side but I like that. This one gets regular use.
My most user friendly razors are my Progresses. The 510 is my absolute favorite. I have Opgress kits on the 500 and 510. I want to find a vintage Progress with the Bakelite box.

When I have a bad shave, you can bet that I will shave with a Progress the next day.

My other easy razors are my SuperSpeeds, Techs, TRC stainless steel, Merkur 42C, Merkur 38C, all the Gillette adjustables except the Futur, and the WCS Toothsome.

My consistently worst razor is the Aylsworth Apex.

The most blood ever was yesterday with a GEM G-bar.

I have a lot more razors, but they are in the middle of the scale.

I still have a few that I have yet to try. My Connaught order showed up yesterday. I am going to give it a few days before I try it again.
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After giving it a long rest, I pulled out my RR Lupo Aluminum today, loaded a new Astra SP blade, _didn't_ take a shower, face-lathered, and shaved off two days of stubble with one pass.

I had lots of blade feel while shaving, but my skin wasn't irritated at all. Not BBS, but fine for me.

If someone wants a razor to introduce them to DE shaving, it would be a good choice.

. Charles
If I had to choose just one razor, it would definitely be Athena Ti.
Smooth, comfortable and efficient shaving - a real pleasure. Whenever I shave with it, I don't have to compromise between comfort and a clean shave. The end result is always the same, extremely clean BBS and healthy skin, with no razor marks.
Not an expert as I only used five different DE razors (in the past 2 1/2 years), but the best goes to my Rockwell 6S.

Some say the so-called big head is a turn-off. The head is really not that big. It is a bit of an illusion since the plate is double sided so the center is thick. No real trouble getting under the nose. My trick to get just under the highest part of the mustache area at the base of my nose, is simply to ride the cap and stroke upwards on a final pass then the head size becomes irrelevant
I use the Wangssolid Adjustable Roller to introduce people to wet shaving. It is a one-piece with nothing to lose or explain (you would be surprised...). It is adjustable, so a newbie can approach this slowly as they learn. It has rollers that protect from applying too much pressure (up to a point), a key consideration for those coming from cartridges. It comes with good blades (TechnoMax, comparable to (IMO) Treet Durasharps) and a stand. I use it when my skin is having some king of flare up (or I used a Feather in the wrong razor without thinking)

I’m happily surprised the Athena has only been mentioned once in 3 pages, might save $200 lol. Probably not….

Best brainless great shaves in the dark, on a small sailboat during big seas and a few whiskeys down the hatch are consistently delivered with the Overlander and a Progress with Treet Platinums.

Great shaves everyone!
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