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What is you most USER FRIENDLY DE RAZOR?

Was using something different this am, as my small collection is Vintage Gillettes, and was think as my Flair is not as FOOL PROOF as my TECH PRE WAR. Seem what ever I do when using the TECH it is idiot proof, mental memory is taking over, after lather, I do a PASS or TWO and done, and seldom get a bad result. If so not RAZOR, it blade being push too many shaves.

My Old Pre 1950's Tech is the most user friendly.

What your ?


The Lather Maestro
For me for what I've actually used (no particular order):

  • Schick Krona
  • Henson AL13+ or ++
  • Gillette Tech
  • Yaqi Ghost TI 70

Pretty much all of those you'd almost have to be intentionally trying to nick yourself to nick yourself. I'm sure there are others, but those are what I've shaved with.
At my location and time, I think it's the Feather Popular. She has her perks and quirks but generally a "proven" DE: reasonably priced + mild enough (I think she is one of the mildest ones). One can adopt her and see if he/she likes the Safety Razor world without much financial strain and can be disposed of (gifted away, tucked away in the drawers, traded, etc.)
I've got a bunch of vintage Gillettes I haven't gotten around to shaving with yet, but I find my '61 Super Speed to be the most user-friendly of those I've used to date. Effortless, even if it doesn't give me the closest shave in my collection.

Techs aren't as user-friendly for me, because their relative lack of blade feels means I have to pay closer attention to my technique when I'm using them. Incredibly smooth, though.
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