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What is you most USER FRIENDLY DE RAZOR?

Blackland Era Level 4 straight bar (Gillette Green Super Stainless) and GEM Featherweight (PTFE coated). Utterly different razors but both allow a quick, no gore, two pass, work presentable shave. They make shaving easy.
Respectfully, this definition completely ignores the quality of the shave.


In the context of my work, I use databases for two different telecom MSOs (Cox and Charter) on a daily basis. Of those two databases, one of them is more user-friendly than the other, but I prefer using the less-user-friendly one because I can do more with it. Its launch screen says "COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1980", and I've seen it in non-GUI (green screen) format with keyboard-only input. There are very few prompts, and it's an advantage to the user to have used DOS at some point. But from this user's perspective, it is the superior database because I have a better experience/outcome when using it.

Translate that into the context of shaving. A razor that's easy to use but doesn't give a very close shave is still user-friendly: it's just not efficient.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
Yaqi Sentinel 1.5mm gap, very smooth DE razor, for a SE razor Yaqi Romulus is very smooth and a reasonble shave every time.
I have lots of quality vintage razors that work very well also as smooth shaving if your interested in vintage.
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my vote goes to Blackbird Lites; can be a great mix of efficiency and comfort depending on the blade
YES! The efficiency and comfort level on the Lite with Bic CP or plain old Dorco (HQ ones) is quite remarkable. Basically zero stinging with an AS splash with alcohol and I use the Lite daily.

It’s also quite maneuverable and fairly light even though it’s stainless.
My most user friendly razor is my 1950 V-3 Gillette super speed.

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+1, if the setting is between 1 and 2. And ensure that the top cap and blade are symmetrical against the base plate, as you tighten them.
agree, but I prefer setting 4-5 on the first pass if I have 2-3 days of growth. I let the razor do the work without applying any pressure. This helps me stay more focused while also improving my technique
It's been a number of weeks since I shaved with either a Gillette Slim or Fatboy, so I've used both on consecutive days and they are just great for daily shaves and no worries on settings 2-5. It's funny how after having been using some slant razors, my skill with these is better than before.
My favorites are:
Henson AL13++
Karve Overlander Brass
Edwin Jagger 3ONE6

I have been thinking on a re-plated tech or maybe SuperSpeed.

The friendliest to use is Henson AL13++.

I finally pulled the trigger on a re-plated ball end tech NDC. I’m still doing a blade seek with it so don’t know where it will land in the order above.

Think my most two friendly are Vintage Gillette. TTO’s.

Easy to load n unload with arthritic hands.

More use friendly the 3 Pieces.

Arthritis is a pain, but you can’t reverse it.
My most user friendly razor would be my Weishi 9306 Long Handle TTO. As a Gillette Superspeed clone loading blades is easy. My Razorock Adjust TTO is a close second though it takes a couple of seconds longer to load a blade since this razor doesn't have the Superspeed divot on the internal center bar ends.
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