I've looked around and didn't find an answer to this. Maybe I've looked in the wrong places. If so just point me in the right direction if this has been addressed before.
But what is the original patina on a brass razor? What makes me ask this is I've been reading the Gillette Bible and it was recommended to use Flitz. Well before I went after one of my prized possessions I used it on just a razor blade case. Some areas seem to have an almost "lacquered" look to them. Did these,, as well as the razors come with some sort of coating? There are areas that come up like a mirror, and other areas that remain dull. Is this the brass equivalent of steels' rust (tarnish) or some sort of coating as I mentioned. On the case, as well as on some razors I noticed a sort of orange-ish tint as well. What is that ?
Now on other brass that I've seen over years, the tarnish looks more like rust in a way,, sort of brownish , coarse and rough. Our solid Brass bed, in the nooks and crannies gets like this over time. Regular brass tarnish. Buff it a bit and it looks like the brass version of Chrome.
Should the entire razor look like this or do they generally, and originally, have that dull , almost lacquered look instead of polished shiny brass?
But what is the original patina on a brass razor? What makes me ask this is I've been reading the Gillette Bible and it was recommended to use Flitz. Well before I went after one of my prized possessions I used it on just a razor blade case. Some areas seem to have an almost "lacquered" look to them. Did these,, as well as the razors come with some sort of coating? There are areas that come up like a mirror, and other areas that remain dull. Is this the brass equivalent of steels' rust (tarnish) or some sort of coating as I mentioned. On the case, as well as on some razors I noticed a sort of orange-ish tint as well. What is that ?
Now on other brass that I've seen over years, the tarnish looks more like rust in a way,, sort of brownish , coarse and rough. Our solid Brass bed, in the nooks and crannies gets like this over time. Regular brass tarnish. Buff it a bit and it looks like the brass version of Chrome.
Should the entire razor look like this or do they generally, and originally, have that dull , almost lacquered look instead of polished shiny brass?