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what is/are scrubbing bubbles?


I have picked up a couple of old razors on ebay for a few pounds, and knwo they will need a bit of cleaning when they arrive. I have seen many people on here mention scrubbing bubbles, but this is a product we dont have here in England - is it a detergent? what is it designed to be used on?
scrubbing bubbles is a foaming bathroom cleaner made by johnson and johnson. there is an equivalent product in the UK, but i can't remember its name.

basically, you spray it on...it makes a penetrating foam which you leave on for a bit before rinsing/wiping off.

i use scrubbing bubbles on my razors because it does a good job of removing soap scum and also kills staph and other household bacteria.
scrubbing bubbles is a foaming bathroom cleaner made by johnson and johnson. there is an equivalent product in the UK, but i can't remember its name.

basically, you spray it on...it makes a penetrating foam which you leave on for a bit before rinsing/wiping off.

i use scrubbing bubbles on my razors because it does a good job of removing soap scum and also kills staph and other household bacteria.

thanks for that - ive got an idea of what to look for now! anybosy got any thoughts on the baking soda method? should i do both?
That question has come up before on the forums and the answer was Cif Bathroom Mousse in the aerosol can...I guess it's pretty common over there. Hope that helps a little! :001_smile

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I have used Cif (and Vim) bathroom sprays with good results. It's the more gentle version (not the abrasive cream). Don't know if they have that in the UK but I believe most bathroom sprays will be ok as long as they are not abrasive or contain bleach.

edit: bordeaaj was quicker...
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