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What Ice scraper works best and lasts

It's that time of year that scrapers and snow brushes are need. Looking for some good advice on scrapers. They all seem to be very bad nowadays. I meant ice scraper above
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I think ice scrapers are more or less a disposable item these days. One season, maybe two, and they're history.

I was given a decent scraper with a mitten on it as a Christmas gift a few years ago, by my wife's family. We were visiting them in San Antonio, and some of them seemed amazed that I really liked it, and said it was very useful. They viewed it as a novelty; the thought of needing to scrape ice off the car on a winter morning never ever occurred to them!
50 years of driving and I still haven't found one I like. Letting the car run for 10 minutes with the defroster/heater on still works best.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Down here if we get ice we don't go anywhere- we just don't have the equipment to deal with it properly. From my time in Ohio, though, I always liked the ones with the brass blade- really cut through the ice.
Ice? Whats that? We don't have "ice" here.​

Isn't that what you put in your drink? :001_tt2:
I go with a couple of cheap wooden handle ones. They last me through a winter or three.


*I have no association with the company on the item.
The ones that my kids are using to clean off the car before we go anyplace.

In all seriousness, I've found the ones with the longer handles to be less effective. It's more difficult for me to apply pressure at a consistent angle. Most of the cheap plastic ones are about the same. I've never tried one with a brass blade


On the lookout for a purse
If you have access to power tools you can make one out of 1/2 inch plexiglass.....they work great and last forever
If you can find one with a brass blade, those work very well. I had one years ago. I need to see if I can find another one. Another good one that I ran across had two blades on the head, one for pushing, then other for pulling. I could clear a window fast with that one. I think it was called a Talon.

It was like this, but had a brush on the other end.

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Just get a cheap one and then put something over your windshield, like a piece of cardboard or a cover. That ice scraper will see little use then.
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