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What have you people done to me?

I was just fine with my Amboyna Burl Merkur 34G from eliterazor.com until I joined this site.

Now I'm watching something like 20 different vintage Gillettes on my eBay page. I want a (forgive my possible novice terminology):

Black Tip
Red Tip
Flare Tip
Adjustable Slim

What am I supposed to do? I feel like you guys should send me paypal donations towards a vintage razor... y'know... on account of it's your fault I'm like this. B&B is the worst and best online community I've ever joined.
Don't fight it. Any aspect of it. It'll pass, you'll feel better, will learn more and - best of all - will be able to sell/trade/PIF off anything you decide not to keep. Just let it happen.

Except Lilac Vegetal. Resist it like the Devil's syphilitic urine. Which it is.
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Nah, just give in and indulge your AD!

Seriously. Razors are (usually) pretty cheap and you can always BST anything you end up not using for about what you paid. So you're not going to lose that much money buying razors.

On the plus side, you will get to try a bunch of different stuff until you find what's really right for you. Then you can BST the rest. You'll become an experienced shaver and will be able to contribute more knowledge to the forum and help people out.
You guys know you're essentially playing the little red devil on my shoulder right now?

I just took a glance at the opposite shoulder and didn't see anyone there...
Check out the prices at B/S/T here. There's no reason to overpay.

Remember there will always be another Red Tip coming up, and there are plenty of Flair Tips and Techs out there.

It's easy to get caught up in one particular auction. Don't.
Resisting the AD is like resisting gravity. You may be able to do it for a while, but in the end, it will win and all you will get for the trouble is tired. Trust me, I have conducted extensive research.

By the way, you are missing the NEW long comb from your list, and at least one SE, and... :biggrin1:
I hope you find the ones that will give you the best shave..I also hope you keep buying razors,until you are satisfied with the collection you have built,this is an inexpensive and necessary hobby,unless looking like rip van winkle appeals to you..Have Fun and BUY,BUY,BUY...ps,where do i send the donation?
I can't actually take a donation... but I'm not surprised someone offered. You fellows are truly some of the last gentlemen walking the face of the earth. I feel privileged to be a member of the B&B community.
What have you people done to me?

[Dr. Evil] It's all part of our fiendish plot to rule the world one shave at a time (fiendish cackle followed by pinkie to corner of mouth)! [/dr. Evil]
Just don't let anyone talk you into buying the Schick Turbo Encabulator. I've bought two and neither one worked worth a damn.
Once you watch fleabay for a while, you will figure out how to find some good razors at lower cost. As others have mentioned, getting in a bidding war over a shiny FB ending sat. nite @6 could be expensive.
But you can get some darn nice razors for low bucks if you keep your eyes open. Then once you've cleaned 'em up like only we can :laugh:
you can always sell 'em off, if you don't like them.
You guys know you're essentially playing the little red devil on my shoulder right now?

I just took a glance at the opposite shoulder and didn't see anyone there...

Welcome to the darkside...do not resist....I mean B&B.

I used to have thoughts like yours about 100 to 150 razors ago.....LOL

Enjoy the trip and embrace your RAD.
By the way, you are missing the NEW long comb from your list, and at least one several SEs, and... :biggrin1:

GEM 1912
Micromatic Open Comb
Bullet tip Micromatic


Black Beauty
Old Type
Blue Tip
New Improved

...and the list goes on. If you are interested in a user grade fat handle Tech, PM me your address and I'll get one in the mail. (It's not pretty, but it shaves like a champ.)
Resisting the AD is like resisting gravity. You may be able to do it for a while, but in the end, it will win and all you will get for the trouble is tired. Trust me, I have conducted extensive research.

By the way, you are missing the NEW long comb from your list, and at least one SE, and... :biggrin1:

I've resisted it!! I only have 3 razors, and I'm about to sell two of them! I am better than all of you!

Of course we won't talk about my little shaving cream obsession. :lol:
I PM'ed you, Veritas.

You guys are great. The darkside comment made me literally laugh out loud, and the wife and kid is in bed. Haha...

I'll have to introduce you gentlemen to my cousin and best friend when they join. I'm working diligently to make both of them wetshavers.
Now I'm watching something like 20 different vintage Gillettes on my eBay page.
What am I supposed to do? .

Add more watched items?

20 is nothing, couple of weeks ago in the grip of a feeding frenzy I think I had ~150 items, i've got it down to 34 now, thats much easier to manage, lol

Embrace the blade!
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