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what hair tonic do you perfer?

i started using hair tonic lately and i like using it, but my wife says it stinks. i have oily hair so what would be a good tonic that won't grease up my hair and won't run off my wife?


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Which one did you use?

I'd say an Eau du Portugal is a good starting point ... an orange/citrus scent. Pashana makes a great one and Pinaud a very good one.

FWIW, tonics seem to come in three varieties ...
"with oil" ... has oil in it ... good for dry hair.
"without oil" ... (but with glycerin in it ... check the ingredients) good for dry hair or if you applied with-oil tonic yesterday and didn't use shampoo today.
"without oil" ... without glycerin either. Basically scent, alcohol, and water ... not too good on hair that isn't at least a bit oily to begin with.

You will probably want to see which of the "without oil" varieties you like best. Also try Jeris hair tonic and Pinaud Clubman tonic, the latter being one without glycerin.


"Proper Bob"
Eau de Portugal by either Clubman or Pashana. Quality wise, I would give Pashana a slight nod but the difference is hardly noticeable.
My favorite hair tonics are:

  1. D.R. Harris Eau de Portugal: Incredible scent.
  2. D.R. Harris Bay Rum: Incredible scent, plus it has a little capsicum in it to stimulate your scalp.
  3. Any Pashana Hair Tonic: I like American Bay Rum, Original, and of course, Eau de Portugal.
  4. Pinaud Eau De Portugal
  5. Stephan Alpine Menthol: Terrific in warm weather. Contains lavender and rosemary oil.
None of these hair tonics have any holding power. They mainly condition and scent your hair. Hair tonics were widely used by men in times past as way to freshen hair because they didn't wash their hair but once a week. They are great for men with oily hair, and they do contain alcohol.

Hair tonics are usually inexpensive, so go for it and reconnect with manly art of grooming.
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I use either Vitalis or Jeris with Oil. These are only two I have seen that give any kind of hold- hold is light. I like the Vitalis especially, it will coat your hair with like a fine layer of oil, but your hair really doesn't seem oily. I saturate my hair completely with it after showering and then apply groom and clean or wildroot to get a nice clean cut part in my hair that stays groomed all day.
I mostly use Pinaud Eau de Quinine. It has a fairly strong fragrance to it but it doesn't linger too long. Feels great on my hair and scalp.

Antique Hoosier

It has been months since my last haircut and I am exploring a longer look lately. Having previously cropped my hair very short with an all over clipper cut self done with my own Oster clippers. With that said, this thread inspired me to seek out a hair tonic for my salt and pepper growing locks. I picked up the Jeris Hair Tonic at Sally's Beauty Supply today after lunch. It is bright green and appears to be of the non oil slick variety. I am going to experiment with it tomorrow morning on damp hair out of the shower. I only selected it because the Pinaud product mentioned highly was not sold at this location. $5.78 later I will try it and see if it knocks down the coarse gray and allows for a more manageable style.

Antique Hoosier

I used the Jeris Tonic for the first time ever this morning. After towel drying my hair and leaving it a bit damp I squirted about a quarter sized pool of Jeris into my palm and then rubbed it into both palms and applied it massaging it into my scalp and hair. It had a pleasing tingle to it and not an offensive smell at all. My hair now feels a bit more "groomed" and the flyaway gray hairs are much more in place now. I think this might be a very good product for me...lets see how it stands the test of time throughout the day.
My favorite tonic is Booster's Sage Tonic. It is light but still provides enough hold. Unfortunately, Jeris w/o oil is so much easier to acquire so that is what I use.
My favorite tonic is Booster's Sage Tonic. It is light but still provides enough hold. Unfortunately, Jeris w/o oil is so much easier to acquire so that is what I use.

I'm a fan too but I used to get it at Shaving Essentials but they don't list it anymore. Where do you buy yours?
John said that Shaving Essentials is going to continue to stock it but haven't seen it yet. Hence, the move back to Jeris.
What does it smell like? Can you describe it for me?

I've been using it and I've yet to put my finger on what exactly Pinaud Eau De Quinine smells like. It's a familiar scent for sure but my mind is having trouble placing it. So I figure it's something from my childhood. I'd say it's sort of like a grape punch or kool-aid or something.
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