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What exactly do i have here?

Was in the dollar store picking up some random stuff and saw these behind the counter. They were a wopping $1.00 so i purchased them. I have used Personna's in the past however I'm wondering if this is some sort of forgery. My other Personna's actually said "Personna" on the blade. Anyone seen these before?
Those look very similar to the blades sold by Personna inside of Wal-Marts in the states. We pay about a $1.67 for 10 pack. I highly doubt they are counterfeit, as the package is nearly identical.

They are generally considered to be of a lesser grade than the Red Pack IP's. But of course your millage may very.

I am sure others will weigh in, but I don't think the Wal-Mart Personna's have any writing on the blades either.
While the packaging is nearly identical (except for the French), the Wal-Mart Personnas say "Made in USA" near the center of the blade. Since these don't have it, I assume they are not US production.

To the OP, I would trust these blades, as I think counterfeit blades are really rare, and Personna is a budget brand anyway. But I would be curious to know if you can see any info on the package which indicates where these are made.

Personnas are pretty good blades, so you'll most likely get good results from using these.
I bought some from Wal-mart here in BC and REALLY hurt my face with them. :thumbdown

I used a 58 Flare-tip Superspeed and bled all over the place.

They were then relegated to the toolbox and are used to scrape paint off glass etc.

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