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What Does Your Perfect Shave Look like?

It all started last night…my 17 year old son said, “Dad…the check engine light came on, so I took it to autozone, and they ran a diagnostic!” Here was their result:


Now we just purchased the car two weeks ago, so I wasn’t pleased! However, after a bit I went out, started the car…and no engine light came on when it started right up, and I drove it around with the car functioning perfectly. I still decided to take the day off of work, because I scheduled an appointment to get it checked at a more local KIA dealership since it still has the remainder of its 5 year/60,000 mile warranty. However, this morning…when I got up I took it for a spin to drop my daughter at the bus stop, and go get coffee for me, and donuts for the kids…no light…perfect functioning. I decided to cancel the diagnostic appointment, and just enjoy the day!

This really cleared up my morning, so i went grocery shopping…went to the gym since i was relatively pain free in my Achilles and knees, and then came back to the house where I decided to shoot for a perfect shave!

First I selected an old Frederick Reynolds razor from around the mid-1800s. This one came to me with 15 other razors and the big Hohenzollern Abziehsteine hone with its tri-layered rub stone in its original yellow box with both stickers from about 1890ish. The lot had been neglected for decades but it was at one point owned by a true enthusiast based off of the stone and razors. Sadly, I was only able to save a couple of razors…this FR being one of them.


The razor has a curved spine and sits flat on the stones…in addition, some talented master genius took it down to a ridiculously thin grind…with a nearly invisible bevel near that edge. I like to say “…quintessential Sheffield steel with a Filarmonica grind!” I figured I was on the right track!
Next I had to decide what stone to refinish the edge on…I went with recently acquired coticules…I used the big one as the hones, and the suspected Old Rock as a rub stone!

The big one is ridiculously fast, and just as fine! It imparts an incredibly sharp yet forgiving edge. This stone is in my top three coticules that I have used.


The HHT was perfection (root in), and the edge and bevel were pristine when I took a peak with the loupe. I was continuing down the right path!
As far as the actual shave…I used a neat Paladin brush that I haven’t used in awhile, Ariana & Evans shave soap, and then Ethos aftershave!

The shave went even better than the pictures, and this is what my perfect shave looks like!

No photo editing…just cropped the originals down to size…taken with my cell phone.

Love that razor! I have a Wade butcher that it reminds me of. Jealous of the coticule!

My perfect shave is from a helje MK4 with a fresh edge from my nicest jnat. Soap being MDC agrumes and aftershave being the porasso aftershave. A lot of close seconds in the perfect shave department though for me 🍻
Love that razor! I have a Wade butcher that it reminds me of. Jealous of the coticule!

My perfect shave is from a helje MK4 with a fresh edge from my nicest jnat. Soap being MDC agrumes and aftershave being the porasso aftershave. A lot of close seconds in the perfect shave department though for me 🍻
Thanks Christian!

MDC is great stuff! I should use that soon. Their vetyver is fantastic!
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