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What do you do for your workday shaves?

Trying to get into DE shaving. Biggest problem for me is that I have a thick coarse beard that covers high up onto my face and my entire beard. Anyways, this morning I did 3 passes of WTG on both face and neck of course. It is quite time consuming.

Would I be better off doing one pass *** and one pass ATG? What does everyone do when they don't have unlimited time and want a decent but not BBS?
LOL, I think you mean WTG, and not *** :001_tt2:

You can definitely do a two pass shave, as long as you are ok with the results, but keep at it...as your technique and your comfort level improves, your total shave times will come down. Don't know about your beard growth, but you could try taking your time and shaving the night before as well.
LOL, I think you mean WTG, and not *** :001_tt2:

You can definitely do a two pass shave, as long as you are ok with the results, but keep at it...as your technique and your comfort level improves, your total shave times will come down. Don't know about your beard growth, but you could try taking your time and shaving the night before as well.

Our resident golden ape is right...keep at it my friend, your time will start to come down as your technique improves.
You may want to try a WTG pass followed by a XTG pass. That will remove the 3rd pass from your shave and save some time while giving you a closer shave than 2 WTG passes together.

GoldenMonkey is wise and, if I recall has his own style of Kung-Fu, so I would follow his advice and keep practicing your technique and you will find your DE shaves taking less time as you become more proficient. And if you shave the night before with a 3 pass- WTG, XTG 90 degrees, XTG 180 degrees you may find you get a close enough shave to not need to shave in the morning.
Start earlier until your technique catches up. A proper slow and relaxing shave is a great way to start the work day.
X3 on night shaving. I'm a night owl that has to be at work in the morning. Instead of getting up early to shave properly, I find it much better to go in for a full, proper shave before bed.

I don't know what your beard is like, but with a good DE shave, I'm still BBS when I get up in the morning.
X3 on night shaving. I'm a night owl that has to be at work in the morning. Instead of getting up early to shave properly, I find it much better to go in for a full, proper shave before bed.

I don't know what your beard is like, but with a good DE shave, I'm still BBS when I get up in the morning.

Mine isn't. I have to suck it up and get up earlier...or run late...
I'm a night shaver too but I have light coloured stubble and can get away with it very easily - especially since I use a straight. If you have dark and/or fast growing stubble this may not be an option for you. If I'm in a rush I just do one WTG pass with my slant which is enough to be socially acceptable. Then again does a second pass really take that much longer when you've already got the lather there ready?
If you need to trim some time, don't cut corners on your prep-steps. That has more impact on the final result than anything that comes after it.

One way I save time is to skip the brush. Just rub some soap or cream on your face, and lather it up by hand. This saves about 5 minutes of brush-soaking, lather-making and clean-up time. Your razor is unlikely to tell the difference between a brush lather and a hand lather.
Start earlier until your technique catches up. A proper slow and relaxing shave is a great way to start the work day.

+1! I love starting the day with my DE WS - if only I had more time to sit down with a cup of coffee and rub my face awhile! :001_tongu I think you'll find the time well spent.


I go with a WTG then XTG, then just do any touch ups that are needed. I've been doing this for a week or so and have had the best shaves so far in my short DE life.
You could try face lathering if you normally use a bowl. I've been doing this the past few shaves and it definitely cuts down time over using a bowl.
When I started DE shaving, I shaved at night so I wouldn't need to rush it in the mornings. It also gave my skin some recovery time so I wouldn't have to worry so much about cuts or irritation. Now I just wake up early, as my shave time is down to a routine.
Take your time and do a thorough shave at night. If you rush in the morning when you are new to DE shaving thats when you will get the *** pass and have to get out the styptic pencil.:lol: You're better off doing it at night and enjoying it.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Start earlier until your technique catches up. A proper slow and relaxing shave is a great way to start the work day.

Mine isn't. I have to suck it up and get up earlier...or run late...

Start earlier.

You could shave at night just until your technique improves enough that you have decreased the time required to shift back to morning shaving.
I agree with starting earlier. I have been waking up 20 minutes earlier. Months ago, there is nothing in this world that would make me do that consistently. Now, I look forward to getting up without hitting the snooze...gotta get up and enjoy my leisurely DE shave with songs from the Great American Songbook playin' in the background! I enjoy it that much to sacrifice sleep time! :001_tt1:
I agree with others that the first WTG pass followed by a XTG pass is sufficient on the face, for the neck my second pass is more of a combined ATG and XTG toward the center line. I find that is all I need for work, unless I have an important meeting to attend that day.
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