When I was training to be a locomotive engineer I worked with an old engineer who was from Macon, GA. He was the quintessential southerner. He liked to hunt and fish had the central Georgia accent and a deep voice, which has been compared to Fog Horn Leg Horn. He drove a truck flew the stars and bars and would bring in all sorts of interesting fowl for me to try. I liked John a lot. He taught me things that have been passed down through the ages from locomotive engineer to fireman, but it is his vernacular that has always stuck me as somewhat funny, if, inappropriate. He had a deep respect for blacks and was first in line to admonish anyone for using the "N" word, but would then turn around and call black people shines. Maybe it is a cultural thing, these plays on words; both degrading yet one has such a strong sense of hate attached to it while the other is clearly just not right. It was like this with a lot of things John would say. He would always call his dopp kit a douche bag, which I admit I have sort of clung on to over the years which brings me to the point of the post. What name do you have for the douche bag? Is it a shower kit a dopp bag or in Johns ever loving way a simple douche bag?
note: douche is French for shower
note: douche is French for shower