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Tuesday Morning Shave Soiree

9.9/10 Close to Perfection

Schick blade on it's eighth use shaved better than some out of the box. Lothur Soap
laid down an amazing lather. Overall near perfect shave.

Schick Vintage Injector Razor
Schick Injector Blade (8X)
Lothur Grooming Samber Soap
Ever-Ready K40 Vintage Badger Brush
Aqua Velva Musk Splash

Varon Dandy Aftershave Spritz

Pre Shave: Warm Shower, Stirling Baker Street Liquid Bath Soap, Stirling Unscented Pre Shave Soap & Barbasol 1919 Cream as a Pre Shave also
Razor: Schick E V2
Blade: Schick (8)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Cool
Bowl: The CaYuen Workshop Medium Damascus Textured Wet Shaving Lathering Bowl
Brush: Maggard's Dark Blue Handle 24mm Titanium Knot
Post Shave: Cold Water Rinse, Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel, Nivea Unscented Post Shave Balm & Seaforth's Black Watch AS
Rating: 10/10 A comfortable efficient 3 pass BBS shave with no touch ups, weepers, cuts or irritation. A very good shave!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

RazorKarve Overlander (SS)
BladeTreet Platinum (3 / 10) [2]
BrushSemogue Pegasus Boar

LatherCatie’s Bubbles ’95 Liquid Labels (Sample) [9]
PostClubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

7 / 10

Good shave, not much in the way of post shave feel. After tomorrow's shave with Stirling Naked & Smooth, barring any surprises, I expect I'll retire this Catie's sample as it can't match the competition.

Switching to night shaves for a bit due to weird work schedule.

Razor: Rigarazor with Barber’s Notch
Hone: Dan’s Translucent Ark
Brush: Omega 10290 Boar
Cream: Proraso Blue
Aftershave: Proraso Green Splash

Nice face lather with this Omega little piggy and Proraso Blue. I really enjoyed the lather and soft, scrubby boar.

Another one of my Rigarazors made short work of my whiskers. Waiting on a package and then I’ll have a mixed Rigarazor Seven Day Set. Then I can have Riga-Week.

An easy shave before a quick nap and then work. I’m really enjoying the Proraso shaving creams, nothing too fancy they just work and work well. 9.5/10.
View attachment 1849619
I love the Omega 10290, its a great brush

Gillette New Long Comb
Vertice Shave X Platinum (1)
Omega 49
Aleppo soap pre-shave
TSF Toudi Froudi
Thayers Milky Toner
Lucky Tiger AS

My first use of the TSF Toudi Froudi, and the 'jelly bean' scent from the description is spot on. All the mechanics of the shave were top notch. I think this was only my second Shave X blade, and it was perfectly fine handling my cutting needs.
Tuesday morning shave:

Warm Shower; Proraso Green Pre-Shave
Art of Shaving - Bergamot & Neroli Shave Cream
RazoRock Big Bruce Synthetic
Gillette Superspeed
Gillette 7 O'clock (Black) (3)
Cold water rinse; Osage Rub/WH Mix; Duke Cannon Cooling Aftershave Balm; Epsilon Blue Mediterranean
One day growth.

Another great shave with my Superspeed.

It's been quite warm in the midwestern USA - 90 degrees + yesterday and today. So, I was looking for a cooling menthol kick.

Three passes. One clean up.

No nicks.
No cuts.
No irritation.

May 21st

morning shave, hot/warm water, Nivea Men Fresh Kick aftershave (😀).
Soap/(cream): Proraso Blue.
Brush: Omega 10019.
Razor: Fatip OC Slant Piccolo.
Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum (2nd shave).
Aftershave: Rinsed with very cold water, washed with Spuma di Sciampagna marseille soap, Nivea Men Fresh Kick aftershave.
Extra: No moustache trim today.

Review: It’s the second time i’m using the Proraso Blue and i consider it better than the Proraso White already. 2 days growth, DFS in 2 passes. No cuts, no irritation. 9/10.

Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Yaqi Moka Express G5C 26mm
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements
Soap: A&E Pistachio 🍨

Pre shave: Kyle's Routine, La Toja 🇪🇸
Aftershave: A&E Pistachio 🍨, Stirling Hipster balm

A single nick but otherwise fine shave.

2 pass shave, WTG, XTG
Rating: 9/10 DFS+
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