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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)

A SOD.jpg

Face wash with Cera Ve Face Soap
Haslinger Sandelholz Rasierseife Beruhigend (tallow formula)
Yaqi 28mm Synthetic
Captains Choice Copper
Merkur 37C
Thayers WH & Art of Shaving ASB
Beverly Hill Polo Club
This is the third and final shave with my Merkur 37c loaded with a Wizamet blade. The blade is showing some wear. It was not as smooth as it was in previous shaves. However, the shave was close. Today I switched to the large synthetic made by Yaqi. It took longer to load the Haslinger soap than the Paladin brush I used yesterday. The lather was good, however. The Haslinger tallow soap resulted in an excellent lather. This was the 17th day I used the soap. The shave was perfect. Have a wonderful day, folks.
Preshave: Hot shower
Soap/Shave cream: Stirling Soap Margaritas In The Arctic
Brush: Ever-Ready rebuild
Razor: Pearl Flexi
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Post shave: Gillette Gel
Rating: 10/10

Another incredibly good shave with the Flexi. This big heavy tank of a razor really is smooth and super efficient. First time I've tried a Voskhod in it and it passed with flying colors.

Pre Shave: Warm Shower, Stirling Baker Street Liquid Bath Soap, Stirling Unscented Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Schick Quattro Titanium
Blade: Quattro Titanium Cartridge (?)
Soap/Cream: Jack Black Supreme Cream
Bowl: N/A
Brush: N/A
Post Shave: Cold Water Rinse, Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel, Nivea Unscented Post Shave Balm & Seaforth's Black Watch AS
Rating: 10/10 A comfortable efficient 2 pass BBS shave with one touch up, no weepers, cuts or irritation. After trying the Barbasol 1919 and the Jack Black, they both are good for a brush less cream and the ideal cream may be to mix the two. Still a very nice shave.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
SE SOTD, May 17th 2024

Razor : Yaqi Romulus 316 SSP SE 50mm with a Yaqi Chippendale 316 SSP handle. Mfg 2023> tame mid range. Excellent machining and finish QC with a nimble feel to it when shaving. I like to match this razor with a Kai Captain titian mild seems to work the best for myself. Small head parts make it very nimble to work the beard and just a joy to use. Had a close comfortable shave this morning .
Blade : Kai Captain Titian mild 50mm AC type(10) sharp and smoooth with excellent longevity. This blade just set a mile stone for first AC type 50mm blade to get 10 excellent shaves over 10 weeks with reasonable life left in it. I'm not sure if this is a constant but the blade is just performing well for my beard and happy to have purchased them from RR sale.
Soap : Razorock Emperor, unique linear scent that has excellent lather qualities.(I enjoy the Emperor scent slightly more!)
Brush : Yaqi "Artic sky" 3band silvertip badger. Excellent lather generator, luxury pillow like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. Nice handle to feel with a decent knot that puts a smile on my face!
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave :Razorock Emperor splash with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Yaqi Romulus SE 50mm with a Kai mild.(Great shave blade with 10 uses and producing excellent shaves with excellent).
SOTD May 17 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
Razor: Masamune OC
Blade: KCG (3)
Brush: Kent BK4
Soap: B&M Passiflora
Results: My goodness! That is a close shave!
This is my third shave testing the Chinese KCG blade. It is certainly sharp but I don't think it's as smooth as the Russian KCG and I don't expect it will last as many shaves as the Russian KCG. We'll see
Hohner Melodica bought new in 1972 and it's been everywhere with me and still going strong!
Fast Friday Shave-


Pre-Shave: Hot Towel, Proraso Red

Badger: Paladin Sherlock
Blade: Kai

Razor: Yaqui Mellon on a RazoRock Bulldog handle
Soap: Stirling Baker Street
After-Shave: Cold Water Splash, GFT Alum, Proraso Red Splash

Rating: 10/10

Notes: BBS. It’s all coming together. A very luxurious shave this morning. Today’s car is once again Mario’s 1969 Indy winner. Excited to watch the cars turn left with extra boost today- happy Fast Friday everyone!

9 Days to Indy
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I hope you did not inflict too much damage to yourself @helicopter. Luckily there is always tomorrow’s shave. I hope your skin has a speedy recovery at least.


It just felt super aggressive, like going from 5.5 to 2 didn't do anything, and I also had some other problem like bad lubrication. Of course it left razor burn and whatever stubble was there after the second pass. I should be able to do a gentle shave this evening.

Afterward, when I clamped down the blade at 2, I tested it with a cheek pass and it felt mild like it should.

Friday, May 17, 2024

RazorEdwin Jagger DE89
BladeTreet Platinum (2 / 10) [6]
BrushRudy Vey 2024 B&B (Semogue Mistura)

LatherStirling Unscented with Beeswax (Sample) [6]
PostClubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

9 / 10

I've dialed in the Unscented Beeswax very nicely over the course of the week. Not quite as much cushion as I get with Vitos Extra Super, but, ultimately, nothing lacks.


Razor: Supply Pro Adjustable Injector Razor
Blade: Schick Plus Platinum injector
Brush: Simpson Commodore X2 Best Badger
Pre-Shave: Proraso White Pre-Shave Cream
Lather: Shannon's Soaps Forest City Fern
Aftershave: Seaforth! Heather Aftershave Toner
Additional Care:
Thayers Facial Tonic Witch Hazel Unscented
Nivea Post Shave Balm
Aviation 94 "Blue Ocean" Aluminum Razor by Design 94
Simpson T3
Eleven Organic Sweet Orange soap
Eleven Organic Sweet Orange Aftershave/Toner
Thayers Original Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive Balm

This razor had been in rotation, but skipped until today. I caught today's video from DoubleY on YouTube and decided to try it again. Last time, I managed to gash myself pretty bad with this razor. Today, it was a 180. It's down to technique and that was non-existent when I bought this razor last year. I'm glad I didn't sell it, as it now is a very smooth shave. I don't enjoy lighter razors, but there's something about this one, maybe the fat handle? This one was as enjoyable as the R41, score is 9.2/10
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