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What are some of the best current tobacco soaps?

I love tobacco scented soaps/aftershaves.

I've tried this so far in order of preference based on scent only:

1) PAA Harvest Moon
2) a&e Vanille de Tabac
3)PAA Cavendish
4)PAA astra planeta
5) Holy Kaw merchant of tobacco

I did not like at the scents of merchant of tobacco but loved harvest moon and Vanille de Tabac. I struggled with the A&E soap but the scent was epic.

What other tobacco artisan soaps are out there that are worth trying? I'm eying moon soaps Havana
This thread might give you some suggestions:
This thread might give you some suggestions:


There are many mentioned in that thread.
Things that I have tried and like(top 3)
  • Razorock Santa Maria Del Fiore
  • BM Full measure of man
  • Stirling Gentleman
I’ll add…

  • Maggards: Tabbaco and Leather
  • Chiseled Face: Sherlock
Have and love both of the above. Plus, I will give a nod to the previously mentioned, A&E Vanille de Tabac, and Stirling Gentleman. (Tried Stirling Haveford but did not care for it - of course it is all personal preference)
Rasozero Barbacco is discontinued, but anyone here tried their new Tabacco scented soap, Pelli Delicate?
It's dirt cheap and if it is anything like Barbacco this can be a real bargain 😊
My favorite is/was SRD Opus X. Too bad that SRD is out of business. SRD made the best melt & pour soaps. I still have some Opus X left that I only use once or twice a year as a treat. I miss their West Indies Bay and other scents.
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