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what am I doing wrong with the Kent BLK8?

I've had a badger brush before, as well as some boars, and I feel I mastered those, mostly (i.e., can get good lather, etc)

Recently I wanted to get a really nice brush, so acquired Kent BLK8. After 4 shaves I'm still struggling to get good lather with it. Something is very different with it (everything else seems really good quality about it), based to my others, even to my previous badger (Long-Vie, not particularly famous model).

Puzzling things with the BLK8:
  • "where did the lather go??" - I build lather in a bowl, and use the same of Proraso cream as before/usual. With other brushes I get relatively same amount of lather at the end (10% - 20% of a soup bowl, and of course a fully-loaded brush, to give you a rough idea). With BLK8... uhm... where did all the lather go? The walls of the bowl end up coated with a thin layer of lather... but that's it. The brush just absorbs everything?? I guess it is a slightly larger brush than my previous, and it is possible it can hold so much more water/lather... Is this usual?
  • "thin lather" - rubbing between fingers, the lather quickly "dissipates", any slipperiness quickly disappears. Applying to face, can see skin underneath relatively easy, as opposed to just a wall of white whipped cream I had with other brushes... I've yet to come close to good lather with the BLK8...

My current working theory is that the BLK8 retains much larger amounts of water compared to my previous brushes, so the lather is really watery, hence the thinness.. Remediation would likely consist of either shaking the brush more, to shed more water, or simply use more product/cream. I'll be trying this at next shave, but wouldn't mind hearing other theories.

Any BLK8 users on here? Have you experienced anything like this?

For those that build lather in a bowl, how much lather DO you end up with in the bowl?
I will drop shake at least 2 times (hold the bristles down and just move the brush straight down)

The BK8 will hold tons of water if you do not remove some, either by squeezing it or lightly shaking it.

I get more than enough lather for 5 luxurious applications every time I use mine

With my BK8 I also give 2 shakes like Turtle stated, although when I shave in the shower I don't do straight down shakes, it's an upright shake against the tile wall...but I digress.

With the brush fairly dry after the shaking I start with my normal amount of product....perhaps slightly more because the brush is quite large. I start building lather in the bowl and add water as needed to get the lather to appear. At a certain point, you hit the correct water/creme ratio and the lather just explodes out of the brush. It will just take some trial and error. Don't be afraid to do 3-4 test lathers and experiment with the amount of water. Even when you get the later where you want it...keep adding water until the lather starts to break down again...so you recognize the point where too much water corrupts the lather. You really won't waste too much product learning to get it right.

With my BK8, I will use a squeeze of creme about the size you would put on a standard size toothbrush; enough to cover the toothbrush from beginning bristle to end bristle. If using creme in a tub, I use a 1/4 teaspoon scoop. I just took the 1/4 teaspoon measure from a cheap plastic set we had in the kitchen. With my smaller brush I can get away with using a 1/8 teaspoon scoop, but that really doesn't quite make as much product as I like...so I just use the 1/4 measure for everything now.

Just a bit of practice and you will have it figured out. You have a great, luxurious brush. Enjoy it.
For what it's worth, I figured it out. It's not so much that I needed more product... It's that I needed less water. This brush holds a ton of it! To get good results, before making lather, I found I really have to shake out the brush, to the point where I suspect it is bone dry. Every time afterwards I am amazed how much rich lather comes out of this "dry" brush...
I've been using my BK8 a bit lately and find that it makes lather incredibly easy. It's not my favorite brush when it comes to how it feels as I use it, but for me it's hard to argue with how easily it lathers. I've used it a lot with Proraso and other creams, but I've also used it on Arlington, and Tabac, and Pens tallow soaps.
Oh yeah it holds a TON of water.
I use a BK 8 off and on and I have to remember to give it a squeeze (or light shake) before making my lather.
It's a big brush. Use more product.

There are limits tough. Already using close to twice the amount of product compared to other brushes; emptying a quarter of the tube for one shave does not seem right... ;-)

So I went the path of less water, and presto, success. Already have wayyyy more lather than I can use, even with 4 passes.


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I always soak my BLK8 in water and before lathering give it a firm squeeze at the base. This allows for the excess water to leave the brush, but keeps the tips wet.

hope that makes sense.
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