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What aftershave soap combination did you pick today?

Fine "American Blend" soap & AS


Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
Razor: GEM Bush button 1958-65
Blade : GEM Personna SS PTFE (2)
Soap : Razorock Lavender
Brush : Omega boar brush- I still like to get it out once in a while so I can appreciate my other brushes and it does the job
Preshave: wet the face, washed with glycerin soap and added some Aloe Vera gel
Post shave: Alum block+ cold water rinse- not much for irritation=:001_rolle
Post shave: Razorock blue barber + witch hazel + a little Nivea balm
Results : CCS,DFS,bBS=:001_smile

Have some great shaves!
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