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Went down to Enchante this afternoon...

My wife took me down to Chas Roberts' Enchante store today - Man, he is one enthusiastic guy! She wanted to buy me a brush and some stuff for Christmas, but was at a loss as to what to get, so she ended up finding Enchante by chance (thanks, Google!) Went in to buy a brush... and he wouldn't let us! "I could sell you a $150 brush and a bunch of other stuff but I'd rather you learn this and decide for yourself if you really need them." One thing that really impressed me was his honesty about that.

Instead of running in and buying a brush and jamming, we were there for over an hour while Chas told us of the philosophy of the RMWS old and new, and how it has evolved in to what he uses today, and that it can be done in six minutes... The man is completely engulfed in shaving, and his excitement is contagious. I'll likely be headed down there this week for a little instruction. He also told me about the "new" video at shaving101.com.

As we were about to leave, Chas just up and gave me a cube of soap, a little tub of paste and some cutting balm, and told me how to use them... Pretty doggone cool.

I may be hooked... At the very least I'll be learning a LOT.

Fun stuff!
He has always been generous with my orders. Last time, I ordered a bottle of GFT, and he threw in a full tester for a gift!
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