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Welsh slate vs Coticule


I was wondering, I'm back in the UK in a week or so and was thinking about picking up a welsh slate hone for my razors.
I currently have a coticule and a 600/1000 artificial stone (for setting difficult bevels).
So as you've guessed, what are the slate hones like? There's a guy on eBay aj_1001 that sells them and they seem reasonably priced but just wondering if it's worth me getting one or if I would be better sticking with the coti.
Can I use unicot style sharpening with them? Will it work?


i would buy a cnat if u do not have a finisher. i have so many hones but my favorite is the cnat after my coti's. if u still want more keeness after the cnat i like the old slow translucent arki, that's just me i guess. YMMV tom
i have a welsh slate... and a Cnat.. and a purple slate... and a dragons tongue... and ... and....

the welsh slate freaking rocks.... it will be an awesome finisher after a coti.... and they are cheap... can't beat that...
I have three different slates from AJ. The highest grit one that I can the Welsh Thuringian™ is an awesome finisher with oil, and it's what I finish with after my coti.

That or a purple Llyn Melynllyn would be a good deal from him. AJ's a straight shooter too. Top notch eBayer.

Paco and I went in together on two sets to save on shipping.
IMO - coti to Cnat is a step down. At least with my Cotis and the Cnats I've owned.
The Welsh slates I've owned and used: one purple, and one Dragon's Tongue.
The purple was a plausible finisher, the DT was a mid-range stone.
Neither seemed to do anything I liked when slurried.
Both seemed better suited for knives and tools, but the purple one did get me an edge that was ok.
There is another Welsh slate, it's a bit greenish/black - supposedly harder and finer, but I haven't tried one.
IMO - coti to Cnat is a step down. At least with my Cotis and the Cnats I've owned.
The Welsh slates I've owned and used: one purple, and one Dragon's Tongue.
The purple was a plausible finisher, the DT was a mid-range stone.
Neither seemed to do anything I liked when slurried.
Both seemed better suited for knives and tools, but the purple one did get me an edge that was ok.
There is another Welsh slate, it's a bit greenish/black - supposedly harder and finer, but I haven't tried one.

thats the one i have...
Just sent AJ an e-mail to see if he wouldn't mind sending one to my folks in the UK so that I can pick it up next week when visiting...... oooh HAD might be setting in.

Since you have this and a JNat, which edge to you prefer or feel is "better"?


the welsh slate will put a super sharp edge on a razor.... but the Jnat used after a coti seems to me like a super sharp coti edge... smooth and not harsh.....

the welsh slate edge is extremely sharp but to my face *(especially my neck) it is harsher...... YMMV
Thanks for explaining that. I've been wanting to try a JNat out, so I might have to go ahead and buy one. What kind of JNat do you have?
Jnat after coti makes for a great edge. I sold my Jnat and missed it so much I have another on order from JNS.
Well Ive decided I'm gonna get me the tri hone set and give em a go. Three lovely little stones for next to nothing. What more could a man want?
I've got the three hone set and love it, the purple one and the "Welsh Thuringian" both are great finishers and the DT will work as a mid grade hone (4k-8k) with slurry and dilutions. The WT really gives a fine edge.

Well Ive decided I'm gonna get me the tri hone set and give em a go. Three lovely little stones for next to nothing. What more could a man want?
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