Well.this made me laugh n smile!
Mar 1, 2013 #3 paco664 robellison01 said: Song was hilarious, but his stropping was atrocious... Click to expand... say what you want about his stropping.... that dude had used a straight a few times before.... notice no ATG....
robellison01 said: Song was hilarious, but his stropping was atrocious... Click to expand... say what you want about his stropping.... that dude had used a straight a few times before.... notice no ATG....
Mar 2, 2013 #5 chilliman64 excellent piece of nostalgia found this on wikipedia, it's a good read => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma-Shave
excellent piece of nostalgia found this on wikipedia, it's a good read => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma-Shave