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Weighting the Handle?

I have this brush project in-progress right now. The handle is oak, and the knot is a 30mm TGN Grada A. While I was sizing it up to see how much loft I was going to use, I popped in a quarter as a shim, then two, then three of them.
Funny thing is - I kinda like the feel and loft with with 2/3 quarters in there. So I'm thinking about how I could go about doing this without it being a problem down the road. I dould drill out the handle and drop in some lead shot or something and then put an epoxy plug over it I guess..
I don't think using the quarters is totally out of the question - but I wonder if they'll oxidize in there and create a gap/crack/split.
I was wondering if anyone here has done anything similar, or had ideas about doing this?
I don't know about the quarters but Oak isn't the best wood for making a brush handle.
It's a opened pored wood and it has a lot of seasonal movement, which means the wood expands and contracts with the seasons.
Red Oak would probably be the worst, some of the Liv Oaks would be better choices, especially if you use a dense piece cut from a crotch.
Hey - thanks.
I'm still pondering the quarters.

The quarters should not be a problem except for cost, they're cheaper alternatives, like washers, zinc plated steel washers if embedded in epoxy shouldn't rust.
I use a 3/8ths brass plug which serve 2 purposes, it not only adds weight it's also provides a secure anchorage for my aluminum turning mandrel.
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