I have this brush project in-progress right now. The handle is oak, and the knot is a 30mm TGN Grada A. While I was sizing it up to see how much loft I was going to use, I popped in a quarter as a shim, then two, then three of them.
Funny thing is - I kinda like the feel and loft with with 2/3 quarters in there. So I'm thinking about how I could go about doing this without it being a problem down the road. I dould drill out the handle and drop in some lead shot or something and then put an epoxy plug over it I guess..
I don't think using the quarters is totally out of the question - but I wonder if they'll oxidize in there and create a gap/crack/split.
I was wondering if anyone here has done anything similar, or had ideas about doing this?
Funny thing is - I kinda like the feel and loft with with 2/3 quarters in there. So I'm thinking about how I could go about doing this without it being a problem down the road. I dould drill out the handle and drop in some lead shot or something and then put an epoxy plug over it I guess..
I don't think using the quarters is totally out of the question - but I wonder if they'll oxidize in there and create a gap/crack/split.
I was wondering if anyone here has done anything similar, or had ideas about doing this?