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Weber or Progress?

Been doing this wet shaving thing for about a year now. My first razor was a EJ DE89. During the last year I have tried a 39C slant, a RazoRock Little Bastone open comb, and a Muhle R41 2013 model.

I sold the 39C mostly because I did not like the length and thought it was too heavy. I quit using the open comb, and will probably B/S/T the R41 shortly. I guess I like mild razors better, and find while the OC and R41 do a good job I find them to be too rough.

Lately I have been using the DE89 almost exclusively because I can just shave with it and be comfortable.

So, with that in mind, i want to purchase another razor to supplement the DE89. I think I have narrowed it down to the Weber stainless and the Merkur Progress. I think the Weber is about as mild as the EJ, but the Progress is adjustable.

The is little difference in price between these two, so that is not an issue. I am figuring the Progress may make the most sense because of the adjustibility, but the Weber sure looks like a very nice shaver and has gotten good reviews.

Any thoughts or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


the progress can be adjusted to shave exactly like your DE89 along with exposing more or less blade.

The weber is going to be a step more blade from your DE89 (like running the progress wide open).

I would recommend you get both :001_smile
I just bought the Progress and I am glad I did . It has heft, it is long handled and is very easy to grip . It is like having 5 razors with the adjustments ,I think my 38c will get little use now
I'd say try the Progress first, if you love it great, if not then sell it and get the Weber. Personally I prefer the Weber, YMMV.
sounds to me like you want mild or milder than the EJ but with bling.

a dialed down Progress is milder but imo not blingy.

i would consider the Futur, especially the gold model, set on 1.

i would also consider a Gillette Tech, possibly replated or paired with a Weber handle.
the progress can be adjusted to shave exactly like your DE89 along with exposing more or less blade.

The weber is going to be a step more blade from your DE89 (like running the progress wide open).

I would recommend you get both :001_smile

Mick, you just have the right attitude!:ouch1::ouch1::ouch1:
The Weber is a nice razor, but I found it too aggressive for my tastes. I love my Progress, so my vote is the Progress. As already said, you can dial it in to suit your preferences.
I used a borrowed Progress and loved it, except I found the little plastic knob a little uncomfortable in the grip I use. I now own a long handle Mergress and LOVE it! My vote is Progress!
Also you can send it away to Mer someday to upgrade it if you felt like it! Take that Weber lovers!:001_tt2:
I've got a EJ89 and a Weber. The Weber is a tad more aggressive than the 89.
I used my EJ89 this morning with the Bulldog handle.....it was great!
Sometimes it's nice to have the option to shave with a milder razor. Perhaps the Progress, if dialed down, would give you that.
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