I loaded this to the FB page so some may have already seen it. Anyways, my sister stopped at a garage sale on Saturday morning on a whim before coming over. She has snagged me a couple shaving items in the past, but she picked this up knowing I like fountain pens. Up to this point all I have are chinese $4 pens I've found randomly that either leak or have broken bladers. But, I carry them anyways! She was worried she paid too much! Get this, she got this NIB Waterman "beginners" kit for $5! I've found them online for $175+!! The "missing" cartridge is already in the pen because I got too excited before snapping a photo.
The photo loaded sideways, and I don't know how to flip it (Off site photo hosting is blocked here at work
) How are these pens? I love it and have been writing all night with it here at work!