I laughed so hard at that turtle. My WATER is very hard as well... in both the areas I live.
Our water is "Hard" even though the map puts us in a "Moderately Hard" zone (each utility is going to be different). Never had any issue lathering (other than needing a little more product and mixing). I get the same end product when I use soft water. I still think water hardness/softness is completely overblown when it comes to the ability to lather soaps.
I have a similar experience. Southeast Louisiana is listed as "Moderately Hard" and I'm constantly battling Calcium/Lime deposits on water fixtures. Never have problems creating lather though. Now when I get an espresso machine... we'll just have to see.
Looks like we share some hobbies! We get the "snow" on the showers and everywhere. When I got a nice espresso machine a few years ago which was directly plumbed, I installed an in-line softener. Works great and it was easy to do.