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Watching Mad Max Now

Watching Mad Max right now. I've seen it before. But what a well done movie. Definite classic.

A great "dystopian future" movie, as was "The Road Warrior". I'm on the fence about "Beyond Thunderdome" though. It was more comic-book (and comic) than the dark, barbaric first two.
You should totally check out the prequel:

Wow.. I loved that movie... and 2 was awesome..

but yeah.. not too sure about Thunderdome.. that was a little weird.. kind of like Kostners Water World.. just too much..

1 and 2 are classics forever...

ok.. here's another classic.. when's the last time you watched The Great Race? ;-) Its under the Big W! :tongue_sm
The Road Warrior has alway stood out, but I just noticed today how well done (put together) Mad Max was. The Road Warrior is a little more action oriented.

Cheers to the Austrailians. Any newer Austrailian movies that are worth a view? Better than the Hollywood Sh t that is being produced nowadays?
One of my guilty pleasures, in my top ten movies of all time. I can recite the entire dialogue to the film, to my s/o's great irritation:lol:
I hope you guys are watching the ORIGINAL UNDUBBED version in it's full Aussie glory !!!!!

The original Aussie version is the best! The acting is wonderful and Toe-Cutter is brilliant, not to mention the real "Fi-Fi"! I had the pleasure of renting a DVD at Blockbusters that had the original Australian version on the flip-side.

"Carlito wants his hand back...."
Is "The Road Warrior" just the North American name for "Mad Max 2"? My Kiwi and Aussie buddies looked at me like I was nuts when I was explaining "Road Warrior"....."naw, naw mate, that's Mad Max 2!" :confused1
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