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Want to Try Pomade

Hello Enablers!
So here you got me thinking all self-conscious and what not. First I needed a good shave, then some nice clothes, then a nice pen, and now a good hair style! My shelves are full of different hair products that I bought and never worked for me. My hair is fairly normal regarding dryness. However, there is a ton of it. I probably have enough hair for 3 men on my head. Taming it is nearly impossible. If I take a shower before I go to bed it's everywhere in the morning. If I take a shower in the morning, then I leave the house with damp hair and it's frizzy in a few hours. Can't win type situation.
Anyways, I was thinking about buying some hair pomade and some tonic. I know these are both opposite sides of the spectrum but I want to see what works for my hair. Anyways, the depths of a student's bank account are limited so I was wondering if I could get some suggestions to tone the frizz down and I was hoping that maybe someone had a shop similar to Garry's where I could buy samples of hair product
I used the Axe line for a while, but I read several articles about the ingredients that they use and how it wasn't good in the long-term for hair. I use Suave Professionals, which comes in either a pomade (what I use) or a "styling paste." I think it's around $8 a jar, and it lasts forever. I can never find it in the store, so I get it from Amazon. Usually when I think I'm almost out, I still have at least month's worth left in the jar.
Can't say enough about Imperial Barber's Classic Pomade. They have other variations as well depending on the type of look/hold you want. Check this out:


They seem pricey at around $20 a jar, but you get alot (6 oz. typically.... which is twice to four times the size of other brands). I go to Royalshave and order mine. Use the BANDB code and get another 10% off. If you're registered on that website, you get another 5% (I think) back in reward dollars to be used on your next purchase. They have free shipping at $25 so I usually just get a couple jars for the free shipping.... or other "shaving related" products if you know what I mean. It's not hard to get free shipping there.

I've only ever used the Classic Pomade from them, but it is great. Hold is nice and tight, washes out with no trouble, can be reactivated with a little water later in the day, adds nice shine without looking greasy, pleasant light melony scent. Good stuff.

Head to your pharmacy/walmart and look in the ethnic section
Murrays is super thick
Royal Crown Hair Dressing IS NOT pomade
Dax Wave and groom isnt as thick
Ok, if you really wanna try pomade lets get this straight. Real pomade stays in your hair. It is a dressing. Anything water soluble is not a pomade it's gel.
Pomade will be in your ethnic hair care section. there are different weights. ie Murrays is a heavy weight pomade royal crown is a light weight pomade.
I personally LOVE the stuff. Have since I was 15 and got my first can of pomade. But if you can't stand having greasy hair stay away from it.
Pomade is an oil based hair dressing. it coats your hair and does not wash away. If your still intreasted there is plenty out there that won't cost more then $4
Ok, if you really wanna try pomade lets get this straight. Real pomade stays in your hair. It is a dressing. Anything water soluble is not a pomade it's gel.
Pomade will be in your ethnic hair care section. there are different weights. ie Murrays is a heavy weight pomade royal crown is a light weight pomade.
I personally LOVE the stuff. Have since I was 15 and got my first can of pomade. But if you can't stand having greasy hair stay away from it.
Pomade is an oil based hair dressing. it coats your hair and does not wash away. If your still intreasted there is plenty out there that won't cost more then $4
It's closer to petroleum jelly than oil, as one of the top ingredients is petrolatum. Oil based things are like Groom & Clean and Brylcreem wash out easier.
There are water-based pomades that are nothing like gel, like Grant's Golden Brand.
It's closer to petroleum jelly than oil, as one of the top ingredients is petrolatum. Oil based things are like Groom & Clean and Brylcreem wash out easier.
There are water-based pomades that are nothing like gel, like Grant's Golden Brand.

Petroleum is oil. Pomade was years and tears ago made from anmal fats. There just oils that are solid at room temp.
I am fairly new to pomade. I have acquired:

Imperial Gel Pomade - holds hair well with shine and hard finish
Imperial Matte Paste - creamy texture. Good hold without much shine, hair is not greasy with more natural look
Axe Clean Cut - basic hold with some shine, no grease
Lucky13 - creamy with awesome coconut smell, non greasy good hold with some shine
Dax short and neat - my favorite. It's greasy but gives great hold and shine
Murrrays Super Light - much like Dax

I tend to like the petroleum based stuff. It's not too hard to wash it out if you don't over apply. If you load it on it takes some work to remove. I have washed my hair with Dawn dish soap a few times to really get it all out. The water based pomade washes out easy.
Let me save you a lot of time and trouble. American Crew Pomade. It starts and stops there.
I've tried the Medium hold it held as bad as brylcreem for me.
Plus its stupidly expensive compared to petrolatum based stuff that works 100x better. But then again YMMV
I love Pomade. In the last two years I collected 15 different pomades.

At the moment I use Yardley English Lavender Brilliantine. The hold is really not strong, but it gives a marvelous shine and the scent is absolutely dreamlike. Imagine a field of lavender on a sunny late summer day.
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