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Needs milk and a bidet!
Staff member
Norman said we would cry. Bad Norman. No tears here.

Great finale though.

the chain whip trifecta zombie kill was great, lucky but great.
So you think Morgan was shocked to see Rick kill that guy? I think so. Rick has changed so much since they last saw each other and Morgan tracks him down, finally finds him and he's a rutheless killer - Pretty much opposite of who Morgan is. Morgan clearly was not expcting that.
I'm looking forward to hearing more of Morgans story, I think they just hinted at telling it next season on Talking Dead.
The Wolves are looking fearsome! But really...what else do we know about them? we'll find out next season!!


System Generated
Nice to see Morgan back and I agree with Jason on his assessment of what Morgan saw. The big guys speech was awesome. Carol confronting the wife beater topped her last best scene with the kid, she's the star of the show for me.

Great episode...and I'm even more excited for the spin off and watching how all this started.
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The ending of that episode was absolutely outstanding. I think I watched it three times. A great speech from Rick telling them how clueless they are, then after Dianna's husband gets his throat slit by Pete, the "Rick, do it" command comes from Dianna, and with absolutely zero hesitation from Rick, goodbye Pete. What a powerful ending to the season.

I've been waiting all season for Morgan to return so it was cool getting to see him again. More involvement from Morgan is definitely great for the show. I'm looking forward to him being much more involved in the next season.
When Gabriel decided to commit death by walker, did anyone else notice that the walker looked a lot like Gary Busey? I thought that was hilarious.
Gabriel will be gone, shortly into the new season. He wants to die, so the new regime will oblige him.
Morgan becomes Jimminy Cricket for Rick, which softens the ruthless killer angle Rick has been working. Doesn't end it, but just keeps it under a tighter lid. Morgan is NOT a pacifist.

SO MANY TEASES in this finale . . . first they tease Darryl and the hero's death, then Glenn looks like he buys a farm (NAILED EVERYTHING BUT THE ENDING THERE).

One question about the "trap" that Darryl and Aaron sprung. Obviously the baddies use the lights and music to call off the Walkers and get their prey, but what is to stop the prey from running when the Walkers leave the car? Baddies would be at least 50 yards away, on the other side of the fences.

How do Glenn and Nicholas get back inside the gate, after Rick locked it? Unless they wait until morning and a fresh guard at the wall.
Excellent episode!


I think the Wolves would probably use guns to threaten people trapped in the cars into surrendering. Kinda like in the beginning of the episode.

I think the guy on gate duty ran back to the gate after Rick showed up to the meeting with the walker.

I love the Morgan, all life is precious angle, and Rick's final action.

So when they banish people in Alexandria they give them only 1 days worth of water and keep the guns they confiscated? You would almost think just shooting them instead of exiling them would be more merciful.
Well, it would be typical of the "we are nice folks, and don't kill people" ethos they were living under. No, you don't kill them, you just make it impossible for them to survive once you turn your backs on them. Same thing, but at least your hands aren't dirty. that is what Rick is trying to get them to understand . . . sometimes you HAVE to get dirty.

And yes, the Morgan and Rick reunion will be interesting. At least they have no further need for "Father" Gabriel as the spiritual conscience of the town. Bye bye Gabe . . . I stand by what I said about Morgan being the guy who keeps Rick in touch with his better angels after the fit hits the shan.
Great seasen ender! I might rewatch it again this week.

So outside of Pete the mean surgeon drunk, no one else from the old/new group died, correct?

I wondered if Glenn was bitten and came after the dude who shot him but I assume if he was bit, he would have killed him.

I'm still fonfused on the Wolves group concept, I understand now that they raid camps, steal and kill people but if that's the case, how does the Wolf pack grow in size?
Wolf pack is not interested in growth, only in continuing to exist. The alternative is that they are looking for "breeding stock", but finding interested parties is difficult. An example would be the woman tied to the tree.
And yes, the chain whip was as good a kill, if not better, than the road flare a few episodes previous. the only death aside from Pete was Deanna's hubby. I guess that means Abraham will be the Construction boss going forward. first job should be to move the bracing beams for the walls INSIDE. Even if there ARE bracers inside as well, having them there is a danger to the structural integrity.

Also, time to start building "kill lanes" for the Walkers to channel into. Seal them off at the end with metal "tank trap" type barricades and, when full douse them with gas and burn them down. Easy game. A ditch/trough type of thing for human defense might also be advisable.


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I wonder if FTWD "Fear the walking dead" will be anywhere close to as successful as TWD?

Seems to be a cast of nobodies again, which is a good thing. And we can finally hear about how and why this all started. Looks like a summer show, at least for now, so doesn't have to compete with TWD and not zombie overkill in a week.
Not nobodies, just not "brand names". Star is a guy you will recognize right away, you just won't remember from where.

As for the finale "copping out", I think that it was more about having a little "sport" with folks. A lot of talk about who was getting axed in the finale here and elsewhere, with me pushing the "kill Glenn" mantra, and others with logical reasons for Darryl to be killed. Both characters had big scenes last night that set up beautifully for the "gotcha" moment the writers were obviously shooting for. to that, I say, "well played".

And now I get to focus on the finale for Better Call Saul.


"A Boy Named Sue"
I must be the only one disappointed in the finale. To me, it feels as though they copped out.

I thought it was a very good episode, but part of me thinks your way too(especially with Glenn not killing Nicholas). I think everybody is going to have be on deck next season to fight off the new enemy........"W."
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Yes, the first half of the Season definitely seems to be setting up as a sort of Fort Apache scenario. I can see them increasingly getting hemmed in, limiting their foraging runs, as well as their ability to grow in numbers. Eventually they not be able to hide behind their walls, they will have to go out and engage the enemy. Rick will have learned from the prison that walls work BOTH ways, and a siege is something they cannot allow.
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