What's new

Waaaait.don't buy that, not yet

October 19th marks the beginning of the Saint Sue auction, and let me tell you there is all kinds of great nib items up for auction this year. . From one of a kind customs to past limited editions and even several kits for the new and experienced everyone will want to check this year's hauls out

Because everyone needs a pink pen !

Everyone ready ? Whose excited ?

Here it comes
just to check before I make some mistake .. will other means of pay be accepted other then PayPall on the auction?
I am slightly excited about this. But knowing the money that a lot of members have I do not have high hopes of winning anything if I manage to get on. It will be exciting and goes to a good cause so all is good in my book.
James is right, there are a bunch of nib related items, and unlike the NFL, 100% of the money does go to the NBCF.
This year is probably the largest in terms of nib items,... I can't confirm that, but my gut tells me its true, so good enough

plus once I post this I can say I read it on the internet
Today is the 18th of October...

a day of contemplation...

a day to remember, for tomorrow we shall celebrate the life of a great member who touched the lives of many, both here, and at home with her friends and family.

Tomorrow we shall give of ourselves what we can so that others will no longer have to lose those they love to tragic sickness. Today I ask that all of you think of those you love at home, and those you enjoy spending time with here. I want you to think of what this place means to you, and what it meant to her.

If you can not donate, or bid in the auction, that is okay with all of us. All that we humbly ask of you is to help us remember, help us celebrate, and help keep the energy that is the Auction going

Today we remember Sue Moore, and tomorrow we shall celebrate her life

today is October 18th

and tomorrow is just around the corner
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Damn James.... you nailed it !!!!!

Yes the auction is all about raising money.... I hope we never have to have another, as this dreaded disease would be licked.

But this is much more for B&B. Look around.... your wife, your mother, your daughter, your significant other, a close friend..... many are gone due to this killer.

There's something in the auctions for everybody....

As James said, have fun, bid if you can..... but more important think of your life without the people who have helped shape your life..... and remember.
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Neither can I. Like youse James, I peeked behind the curtain....... This is probably the best one ever.... like that one auction that has.... oh never mind !!!!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I can't hang with the big boys in auctions, main reason why I participated in the Journal pass around, but I do enjoy watching.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I can't hang with the big boys in auctions, main reason why I participated in the Journal pass around, but I do enjoy watching.

I hear ya! I enjoy seeing the bids on the items.

There are a few that I really really want. Fingers crossed I get them.
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