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Visiting Moscow.good place to pick up blades?

I will be visiting Moscow next week and since I keep reading about how a whole bunch of blades are manufactured there, does anyone know if the local corner stores sell them? Their version of Target / Walgreens / Walmart?

Or are they manufactured in the middle of no where all for export?

I could possibly avoid checking a bag knowing I can pick up a pack there. Or be forced to check my bag if I score a 100 blade pack for a good price :w00t:
Most of the blades you read about on here are made at the Gillette factory in St Petersburg (astra, polsilver) although Rapira and Voskhod are manufactured in Moscow.
Can't help you on their availability as I wasn't into traditional shaving at the times I visited Russia.

Some of the Russian/East European creams and soaps are excellent as well.

I do however recommend the sausage and mash at any of the kolbasoff chain of restaurants.:thumbup1:

Haven't been to Moscow, but visited St Petersburg a little while ago. I checked a lot of super markets and found some drug stores but only found cart razors, Nivea shave cream and Arko.
Haven't been in Moscow for long time cos I live in Saint-Petersburg. Yes, Rapira and Voskhod blades are producing in Moscow. But also I'd recommend you to visit some special Novaya Zarya stores for aftershaves. They produce at least 12 aftershave lotions such as Kuznetsky Most, White Tea, Dvijzenye(Moving), Mayor Energy and others. Nothing special IMHO comparing with Proraso, Speick for example but not too bad for such a low price(approx. 3 USD for one 100 ml.bottle).
Don't miss the Eveline,Phyto Expert,Tet-A-Tet,Everest and a few more wonderful shaving creams...price should be good...Ladas and Sputnik blades are very nice.


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Thanks for the tips. Looks like I'll just check my bag to be on the safe side and take some blades with me. Will keep an eye out for those products. Time to fill the shaving drawer hah!
Don't miss the Eveline,Phyto Expert,Tet-A-Tet,Everest and a few more wonderful shaving creams...price should be good...Ladas and Sputnik blades are very nice.
Unparalleled global shaving software savant! I came back to this thread only to see if malocchio had some experience with Russian shaving goods!
Just got back. Tried a few different stores in the downtown area and all of them only carried carts. If I go back again I'll try to venture out a little more, just didn't have the time this round.

Glad I checked my bag!
My last trip to Moscow had it seem very difficult in finding any brand of DE blades in the apothecaries. Is there any more insight into where in Moscow might have decent DE blades? I'm headed back in a week, it seems...

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
In Moscow - you don't pick up the blades. The blades pick you up.
Now that's funny!

"Dа...Время от времени, лезвие может быть между фокусами и изумление". Aнонимный (Translation...“Yes...at times, a razor blade can be between gimmickry and amazement". Anonymous
Wow, why not see if you can get a tour of the Rapira & Voskhod plants. Most of us (perhaps none of us) have ever seen them. Tell them you'd like to take photos and write up a little razor blade manufacturing pilgrimage account for Badger & Blade. You seem creative: why not propose a little, informal interview with someone there.

Personally, I'm curious about their history, manufacturing processes, technologies, unique competitive advantages, brand, vision, research, how they see themselves in the marketplace in comparison to competition, what they think about the resurrection of DE shaving in some areas even as Gillette focuses on dominating ever more of the developing world with cartridges, the rise of subscription shaving services, luxury, and other shaving trends, whether geopolitical frictions with the west have any bearing on their business, etc. All of these would be topics of curiosity, some of keen interest, particularly given the rising profile of those brands in the west.

I'd imagine they might sell blades at favorable prices if they also gave you a tour. At least they know where to buy them.

Contact them via email now. Hopefully they agree to the tour, maybe even a meeting. Then post a thread here on B&B to help develop the questions for your interview. That'd be incredibly informative and fun for everyone, and I'm sure some of the leading blade experts on B&B will offer insights and questions. Try to record as much as possible. Record sound and take lots of stills, perhaps some videos. Don't worry that it's only on your consumer phone or camera -- no one else has this stuff, and DE shavers will lap it up.
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