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Vintage vs. Modern

Now that I have been wetshaving a while, I'd like to try something different than my Merkur HD. I was thinking of trying an adjustable, so I could see how I might benefit from varying the aggressiveness of the razor. I have been trying to get a Gillette Fatboy (through BST, eBay, etc.) but haven't had much luck. Would I be better off trying a Progress or Futur? Is there an advantage to having a vintage razor over a modern one?
Everyone will have a different answer to this, i have a fatboy/slim/and super, but my progress matches them and futur outshaves them all, though the looks and style of the old gilettes win hands down.
I have a respectable collection of vintage razors, but I find myself picking up my Muhle R89 more than any of them. I think there's merit to owning both, though, and I'll never get rid of my vintage DEs.
Vintage Gillette razors were built like tanks, and will last for a long long time!! You certainly should buy a couple of vintage razors just to see how great they are!!

On the other hand, you absolutely need to buy a Muhle R89, or Edwin Jagger DE89L. Simply the best new razor on the market today. :tongue_sm:tongue_sm
Except for the Pils and the Merkur Futur and Vision all currently produced DE razors are built on vintage designs.
Most still use the 3 posts design.
Gillette abandon the 3 posts design 80 years ago during the blade wars when they switched to the center slot.
I'd like to see some innovation, I'd like to see Pils come out with an adjustable version of their razor.
I started with a Merkur 34c about 14 months ago. Couple months into this adventure called wet shaving, I thought I would see what all the fuss was about Aristocrats.....wow, then Milords ....... wow, then FatBoys, Diplomats, Super Speeds from 3 different decades, the 41 Range Tech............wow,wow,wow,wow............

Have not seen that 34c in over a year.

But this is my journey. What ever you choose to try, enjoy the adventure.
Give one of the vintage Gillette adjustables a try. I cut my teeth on a Fatboy and still go back to it now and then. If you're having trouble finding a Fatboy, get a Slim. They're wonderful razors.
Now that I have been wetshaving a while, I'd like to try something different than my Merkur HD. I was thinking of trying an adjustable, so I could see how I might benefit from varying the aggressiveness of the razor. I have been trying to get a Gillette Fatboy (through BST, eBay, etc.) but haven't had much luck. Would I be better off trying a Progress or Futur? Is there an advantage to having a vintage razor over a modern one?

You need to go to several antique stores, they usually have and adjustable. In the past 3 months i've porbably bought 6 or 7 of them.:thumbup1:
Try a fatboy or slim or a super adjustable, you can always sell them and get your money back. I have all three and like the super adjustable the best. With the fatboy I have a hard time getting under my nose. The slim is an excellent shaver but the super adjustable just feels right to me.
I have basically abandoned my Merkur HD in favor of the Red Tip I bought recently. My last shave two nights ago was phenomenal. Perfect BBS, even in spots that always gave me trouble. I can't wait to shave with it again tonight.
I'm going to chime in here and say that I too started out with the Merkur 34C, which was quickly relegated to the back burner after picking up vintage Gillettes. Don't get me wrong, the 34C gives great shaves and it's a great starter razor. The size, heft, and handle are all perfect for honing your technique, but there's something truly wonderful about shaving with a vintage piece. On a practical level, these items seem to be appreciating in value, or at least keeping their value, and they've obviously withstood the test of time. But on an emotional level, there's an added appeal of traditionalism and of maybe using a piece that you'll in turn pass on.
In terms of construction quality, most vintage razors will wipe the floor with most anything made in the last 40 years (with the exception of some small boutique/craftsman created razors of course.)

Shavewise, everyone has their own favorite, and there's no objective 'better' or 'worse'.
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