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Vintage travel set with Gillette Tech

I just won a "Vintage Gillette Tech Safety Razor & Gentleman's Leather Grooming Travel Set" on eBay.
It's probably not of a very high quality but for the price I won it I don't really care.
I paid GBP 10,50 (EUR 13,27) so that's probably something over $15/16.

I have the Gillette Tech at least, and I don't travel a lot.
So all it has to do is survive the few travels I do make.
And now I can travel in style :euro: lol.
It's looks classy but if someone knows what goes in the tubes, etc, then I would love to hear it.
I assume one is for a shave stick. Hope it also has a slot for a toothbrush.
Here are some pics:


Any comments are welcome of course but I hope most of all that there will be gentlemen who can tell me about the Tech,
but more importantly about travel set and how to use them (what you can fit in them).
I often see the perforated cans listed as 'talc shakers' on eBay but they're really for a shavestick and brush (a Wee Scot is a good fit and there's a slightly cheaper Vulfix too.

I collect travel sets tho I don't travel much either :)
the ebony backed clothes brush is pretty sharp too, I'm not sure you can buy those new anymore.

Not sure how big that soap dish is but I find a 80g soap fits most of mine tho sometimes you have to shave away a little to fit perfectly.
Oh thought that was the razor box :blushing:! But a soap box makes more sense.
I have a suede and two leather jackets but I don't think I would use the brush on them. Maybe I can fit a bottle of aftershave in it's holder.
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Going by the Ball-end Tech (probably with an aluminium handle) and bakelite pieces, your set's from the fifties when Britain was largely coal powered and chaps really needed a brush to clear up smoke smuts from their clothes. In my main kit - the one I actually use - I've a 100ml bottle of D R Harris Sandalwood aftershave and a pack of blades in place of the brush.

There's one mystery piece. I can't tell what the small bakelite tube above the razor is. It could be a styptic holder, or it could be a small collapsible toothbrush. Whatever it is, if you don't need it, the loop could be used to store an ordinary toothbrush.
You sure know your stuff! I had read somewhere that these Tech's are very common.
I bought it from a UK vendor so that would totally fit your explanation.
I also have a beautiful razor box myself, might use that instead of the brush.
I'll figure that out once it gets here.
It's a bad low res cellphone pic which doesn't do it justice. Muhle doesn't sell it anymore, a real shame if you ask me.

Thanks, I would think so!
My first eBay won item, a Old Spice mug just arrived today. Hurray!
This is my second win and I can see why this can be addictive.
Still, I only buy what I want and determine my a maximum price before I start bidding.
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