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Venting About Shea Moisture at Target

While at my local Target yesterday I noticed a shaving brush in the shaving aisle and right next to it a shaving cream by something called Shea Moisture. I read the package and it actually suggested that I use a shaving brush to use which I took as a good sign. Unfortunately, I did not read the reviews here before buying and used it this morning. My experience seems to be in keeping with what most others say about the product... it was absolutely horrible. It was like shaving with hair gel. All it managed to accomplish was to gunk up my razor and brush. It took me twice as long to clean up with gel slopping all over and my face burned so much after two passes I had to stop.

I cannot understand, with so many excellent creams and soaps out there, why Target would stock this junk. It's almost as if Gillette hand picked them so that anyone looking for an alternative would jump right back to the foam and fusion. I certainly would have rather used the canned goop than Shea Moisture again. I don't know if I really have a point here I just hate to see such an inferior product being touted by a major retailer.
I cannot understand, with so many excellent creams and soaps out there, why Target would stock this junk. It's almost as if Gillette hand picked them so that anyone looking for an alternative would jump right back to the foam and fusion. I certainly would have rather used the canned goop than Shea Moisture again. I don't know if I really have a point here I just hate to see such an inferior product being touted by a major retailer.

Interesting theory. Most likely they just had that left from back when they did stock wet shaving stuff.
I have a tub of this stuff. I bought it long before the thread on Shea Moisture products. I am still trying to figure out a good use for it. I got mine at wally world, a place I rarely go into. It cost about $6 USD.

it is not worth that much. I can buy dog shampoo for far less.
Interesting theory. Most likely they just had that left from back when they did stock wet shaving stuff.

The Shea Moisture Shave Brush, and cream are fairly new products. The brush has only become available within the last few months.

My guess on why they stock such a crappy product, is that nobody in corporate knows any better. :lol::lol:
The cream is, indeed, completely useless. However, if you happen to see the Shea Moisture shaving brush, buy it. For under $10, it's actually a pretty decent badger brush.
I got stuck with a tub of this stuff too. being frugal, I tried to find some use for it with some success. I melted half a puck of VDH and stirred a big glob of Shea Moisture, and let it set. It's actually a pretty nice, soft soft. Now I keep the shea in the shower and use it as a preshave.
Unfortunately, I did not read the reviews here before buying and used it this morning. My experience seems to be in keeping with what most others say about the product... it was absolutely horrible.

This is the best reason to buy a web-enabled cell phone - checking B&B before dropping coin on an unknown product.
Yes the best thing that can be said for this stuff is that the tub it comes in fits many pucks of soaps so I'll be able to salvage something out of it. I am now on a quest to get this stuff off the shelves of Target... maybe they can bring back Proraso!
Glad I read this. I was thinking about picking some up. Now I know it is the brush I want, not the cream!

Made a similar mistake last month. SWMBO and I were in Hawaii, when I spoted a L'Occitane store, so I had to go in for some Cade. (There isn't a store anywhere near Boise) I bought the cream, not realizing that it was the soap that gets great reviews. Oh well, once I figured out (like everyone else) that the best way to use the cream is to use an almost dry brush, it lathers great. But next time, I'll get the soap!
Went looking for this brand's brush today at the local Target, but they don't have anything from them in store...too bad. Picked up a VDH instead to replace the cruddy brush I got from Sally beauty supply, the darn'd thing fell apart!:w00t:
I came across this product in June. Took a good smell in the store, and decided to pass. Wish I had sprung for the brush though.
I've noticed that Target has fewer and fewer brands to choose from in it's bath & beauty section. All the big stores are going to this and I can't stand it. The big retailers should not complain if the internet steals their business.
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