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Van Der Hagen

Do you have any Proraso? Try a VDH Pink/Proraso superlather. It rocks.


Pink? Is that AKA the "deluxe" puck? I do have Proraso, I will try that soon, thanks!

I actually have way too much proraso, as I ordered two tubes thinking one was different than the other. I would ship it to someone for free if I thought someone would buy it.


I have been loving this stuff for quite some time now. The Deluxe is decent, but the Glycerin is excellent. I have a puck of the Select, but have not used it yet.

Check out my review of the Glycerin:

Someone else's review of the Deluxe:

And my explanation of all three van der Hagen soaps w/ingredients:

that was freakin' helpful! now i don't have to keep switching between open IE tabs to compare the 3 products. thanks.
Pink? Is that AKA the "deluxe" puck? I do have Proraso, I will try that soon, thanks!

I actually have way too much proraso, as I ordered two tubes thinking one was different than the other. I would ship it to someone for free if I thought someone would buy it.

yea, I have my own language (for my SOTD log):

VDH Pink
VDH Amber
VDH Whte

Looks like I'll be trying the deluxe again for my next shave.

I have a fairly dry face and the several times that I've used the VDH it has been very good to my face.

Hmmm... I'm thinking a Wars and VDH deluxe super lather might be a fun thing to try.

So many soaps and creams to use up, so few shaves!:frown:
Looks like I'll be trying the deluxe again for my next shave.

I have a fairly dry face and the several times that I've used the VDH it has been very good to my face.

Hmmm... I'm thinking a Wars and VDH deluxe super lather might be a fun thing to try.

So many soaps and creams to use up, so few shaves!:frown:

I tried the superlather that masonjarjar suggested, with Proraso...and it was a wonderful smell and feel!
VDH is hands down the best shave soap you could possibly find in a common drug store or supermarket, especially for beginners. Very economical with superb performance.

True you can get Williams Mug for just as cheap (or cheaper), but there is no soaking of the cake / attacking it fiercely with a boar brush / black magic needed to get a nice thick lather out of VDH.
what i liked about the VDH was that even if you were a total newbie you got some lather out of it. and i'm going to guess because of the 40% moisturizers it always felt slick to me.

the one knock against it is the smell. its very non-descript and tends to fade quickly.

oh and i got the package that included the lather bowl and the deluxe (pink soap) the bowl is great but its way too small and i always make a mess. but the price was awesome.


the one knock against it is the smell. its very non-descript and tends to fade quickly.
I used to love the smell. Recently I have grown to hate it. Bummers (I have like 8 more pucks!).
Sign me up as a big fan. It's value is almost off the charts in terms of bang for buck--and it's a very, very solid performer even without factoring in the "value" part of the equation.
Honestly, is it just me, or does anyone else get great results from this soap?
I'll admit, the scent is weak, and sort of gross at best... It doesn't lather that great...etc...

BUT, after I shave with this stuff, my face is SO clean, and irritation free...I don't understand it! It's so cheap!

I also get great results, but unfortunately the scent usually keeps me at bay.
I like this soap because it's really inexpensive and I use it to make superlather so I tend to go through it pretty quick. So far, it doesn't irritate my skin either.
I used to love the smell. Recently I have grown to hate it. Bummers (I have like 8 more pucks!).

does the white or amber one smell any better then the pink? i mean it smelt ok but its definately no where near as good as the col conk bay rum that i have.
better? well, that is personal opinion. they do smell different.

does the white or amber one smell any better then the pink? i mean it smelt ok but its definately no where near as good as the col conk bay rum that i have.
The scent seems to be the most frequent complaint regarding Van Der Hagen Deluxe. It contains shea butter (karite) and performs acceptably, especially considering it costs less than $2. I don't find Van Der Hagen's scent offensive, but to me, it's "nothing to write home about". Come to think of it, scent is often, but not always, why we choose a particular soap.



does the white or amber one smell any better then the pink? i mean it smelt ok but its definately no where near as good as the col conk bay rum that i have.
They all have the Grey Flannel scent.
My concur-ation on the general consensus of the scent, ain't bad, but nothing that makes you say "this is best"; it's borderline not good enough to say you do like it, not bad enough to say you don't like it, but....
get thyself some essential oils or fragrance oils, and as you make your lather, deposit a few drops in, does a wonderful job. I've started making use of depleted (what wrong with me, I'm using all the big words...I should never use big words when diminutive ones shall suffice) eye drop bottles, clean them our REAL good, but some EO/FO in them, and you're ready at a moments notice to add any particular scent you like, without fiddling with glass bottles, tiny droppers, risking getting water/soap in your "source" bottle, etc. Nice and convenient.
Before I started this method, I did the double-boiler method of melting a puck of VDH deluxe and adding several drops of FO (sandalwood vanilla - good stuff) to it and let it set in it's new bowl, works great, doesn't affect lather at all, and much more enjoyable scent
I've got to where I use it very regular, I like the deluxe and the glycerin, if you have a hot pot for your brush and bowl, you will get a lot better lather and it will be more creamy.
Richard : )
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