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Valet auto strop anyone using?

Anyone shave with one of these

Also can single edge blades be sharpened ?


I'm curious as well. I picked one up the other day, and it still has an origional Valet blade in it as well as a couple of spares.
I would really like to try and shave with it at some point.
There are a few users of the Valet. I'm sure you could get the blade sharpened and maybe a link to new/slightly used strop parts.
i have a few that i use occasionally, theyre not bad really. by sharpened do you mean like honed? a new bevel set?
i have 2 and i really do like them,

dave (d.irving) has a couple youtube vids on how to modify a gem se blade into fitting the valet (gemCutlery on youtube)

strops can be found on the bay and work quite well,
and, a good thing for it is that you shouldnt use the good stainless coated gems from ted pella that are 34 dollars for 200 because the coating can ruin a strop, the best thing to do is to get the stainless uncoated ones, which run about half or less the price i got 17 shaves out of one once, bbs or close enough every shave from a stropped stainless uncoated and had close comfortable shaves every time, watch his video on how to strop, because i didn't and cut my strop, it's kinda anti striaght style, you need a bit of flex in the strop to have the turnover mechanism right,

his video of sharpening an original valet blade seems like alot of work when you can just snap the spine and corners off a gem blade and get 10 shaves easy out of it with about a minute of stropping inbetween,

though, i have to say. i enjoy my 1912 gem better, the angle and comfort of the head is better, and i got a modified se stropper from an autostrop for stropping gem blades with the spine still on, and it works great with the strop,

so now i can get 10 shaves plus out of a gem uncoted blade and still use it on my 1912 :D

generally i keep a unsharpened original valet blade in my good valet razor as a display peice, and just strop blades for my gem

watch the video on moding a blade, and give it a whirl :)
Anyone shave with one of these
Also can single edge blades be sharpened ?

I use my Valet from time to time. I used it yesterday, actually. The secret is getting the blades sharp enough. I use the "Dave" system. That means honing and stroping. A challenge actually but fun. But because of the modern blades, I get a much better shave with the Gem.

i have 2 and i really do like them,

dave (d.irving) has a couple youtube vids on how to modify a gem se blade into fitting the valet (gemCutlery on youtube)

strops can be found on the bay and work quite well,
and, a good thing for it is that you shouldnt use the good stainless coated gems from ted pella that are 34 dollars for 200 because the coating can ruin a strop, the best thing to do is to get the stainless uncoated ones, which run about half or less the price i got 17 shaves out of one once, bbs or close enough every shave from a stropped stainless uncoated and had close comfortable shaves every time, watch his video on how to strop, because i didn't and cut my strop, it's kinda anti striaght style, you need a bit of flex in the strop to have the turnover mechanism right,

his video of sharpening an original valet blade seems like alot of work when you can just snap the spine and corners off a gem blade and get 10 shaves easy out of it with about a minute of stropping inbetween,

though, i have to say. i enjoy my 1912 gem better, the angle and comfort of the head is better, and i got a modified se stropper from an autostrop for stropping gem blades with the spine still on, and it works great with the strop,

so now i can get 10 shaves plus out of a gem uncoted blade and still use it on my 1912 :D

generally i keep a unsharpened original valet blade in my good valet razor as a display peice, and just strop blades for my gem

watch the video on moding a blade, and give it a whirl :)

cool! I love my gems and I've been curious about other SE's and straights.
thanks for the info.
Not just a novelty. I love mine. They shave great, but unfortunately standard SE blades don't work in them, or at least without modification. I use Feather SE blades in mine, along with a custom made kangaroo hide strop, and love it.
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