I am looking into getting a Vulfix scuttle and noticed that it was designed for soaps. But I would really like to use it for creams, superlathers and just keeping my brush warm between passes. Has anybody tried this with them?
Do you plan to face lather while using the Vulfix scuttle? If you just want a brush scuttle check out the DB brush scuttle. I don't think the Vulfix would work for for bowl lathering because the lather would fall through the holes.
Also check these out, great scuttles from a Texas artisan at great prices:
The Vulfix scuttle is for cake soap. It sits on top like this.
Making Überlather in the Vulfix would not work because it would fall through the holes. A bowl, or bowl scuttle would be best for building Überlather with creams.
Check out this thread for comparison of Dirty Bird, Moss, and Georgetown scuttles: