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use the same shave brush every day?

Should a guy have at least two brushes in rotation to allow ample drying time? or is it just fine to simply use the same brush every morning?

In the morning after shaving, I rinse the brush, shake it out good and set it to dry. By the next morning it feels like it has thoroughly dried.
If you hang around this site for long enough, it's likely you'll end up having more than one, so it won't be an issue. :lol:


My elbows leak
Staff member
If you hang around this site for long enough, it's likely you'll end up having more than one, so it won't be an issue. :lol:

This is true beyond a doubt, but -
Many of our Grandfathers and fathers shaved their entire lives with only one brush at a time in their arsenal.
Truer words were never spoken!! I suggest you mark today's date on the calendar...re-visit this time next year and I guarantee you...you'll be hiding brushes in places you never thought existed in your house for fear of the wifey finding your latest acquisition...the couch can get might lonely in the winter time...trust me...I KNOW :001_tongu
If it's dry, it shouldn't be a problem. Some of the more dense brushes take more than a day to dry but it's pretty easy to tell if it's damp or not.

For example, my C&E BBB and B&B Essential dry within a day. My Simpson Chubby 2 in best takes at least 2 days.
I agree with Jesse and Phil both. You'll probably end up wanting more than one brush just because, but there's no reason you have to have more than one like you're asking, ie. to let the brush "recover" completely between shaves. I believe it's probably more important to rinse it thoroughly and hang or stand it to dry like you are doing, and periodically clean the brush thoroughly and make sure there's no buildup of unrinsed lather.

I shaved with one brush for a long time with no problems, but now enjoy a rotation of "several" brushes, thanks to the influence of my friends here.
If it's dry, it shouldn't be a problem.

This seems to be important.

I have used my Omega 31064 daily, for weeks or months at a time. This boar brush takes most of the day to fully dry (well it did, the way I was using it). I would, after use, squeeze the water out of it, give it a couple of shakes, brush it quickly over my towel and put it on the shelf. Six hours later, it would still be raelly damp. It also shed at least a bristle a day.

Lately, I have been really thoroughly shaking it out after use, so its almost dry when I put it back on the shelf. It seems to have stopped shedding. I suppose there is alo the possibility that the whole knot will fall out while I'm drying it, but hey, they're not that expensive.

My B&B Essential gets used probably 75% of the time with a couple of restored Ever-Readys filling in the rest. After about a year I've noticed no problems.
One brush is fine. Sounds like you're doing things right so don't worry.

I don't think the one brush thing will last for very long though. :001_rolle :001_smile :001_tongu :thumbup1:
:blink::blink:One brush ???? You mean you only need one brush????, I thought you needed one brush for every day of the week.. Just like you need 21 days rotation of different razors so they don't wear out ...Have I been misinformed???:blushing::blushing::bored:
Truer words were never spoken!! I suggest you mark today's date on the calendar...re-visit this time next year and I guarantee you...you'll be hiding brushes in places you never thought existed in your house for fear of the wifey finding your latest acquisition...the couch can get might lonely in the winter time...trust me...I KNOW :001_tongu

It's not as lonely if you have a dozen or so Silvertips to cuddle with. Of course, the handles can be a little uncomfortable. The brushes never ask questions. They just love unconditionally.
Well, I suppose you could eat a grilled cheese sandwich everday, but once in awhile you just want a piece of ham in it.
Sure, I went a couple of years with the same AoS Finest brush... then the SBAD kicked in. I rotate the AoS with a Simpson, Rooney and Plisson now. And the itch is starting again... that Ehsan looks awfully nice. :smile:
I have about 8 different brushes in my collection, but I'm only using one right now. That being a C&E Pure travel brush in ivory. It dries out just fine in a couple of hours.

The reason I only use this one brush, is that I have some pretty bad water where I live. I don't want to mess up any of the others, so I stick with a cheap, but decent brush that is easily replaced.

Waiting in the wings, for when my landlord installs a water softener, is a B&B Essential, a C&E BBB, a Vulfix Silvertip, a C&E Boar, and I even have a B&B LE '09 on the way. I might add a TBS Synthetic this summer, and I've got my eyes on a couple of Best Badger travel brushes, and maybe a Wee Scot.

But you think I'm going to take a chance on ruining one of these with bad water? No thank you. I'll stick with the Pure brush, even though its a little scritchy and doesn't hold massive amounts of water and requires more work to generate a good lather. At least if it gets ruined, I can easily get a replacement.
I like variety, and I have some brushes that I like better for creams, some for soaps, some for face lathering, and one for travel. But, I did use only one brush for many years when I first began wet shaving.
So, some of you are suggesting multiple brushes so that each brush has ample time to dry. Okay, that's ample time so that it's dry when I soak it in water prior to using it? Counterintuitive argument; so there must be another reason.... SBAD?
I have about 8 different brushes in my collection, but I'm only using one right now. [...] It dries out just fine in a couple of hours.

This is similar to my M.O. I have a lot of brushes, but I only use two with any regularity. However, I don't trade them off daily. I tend to use one brush daily for a number of days, or even weeks, until I feel like switching out to the other one. Both brushes do just fine with daily use.
My wife always leaves the hairdryer plugged in.
After shaving I go for 20 sec over the boar brush with it (the silvertips are dry quick so they don't need this) and this saves a halve day.
If you hang around this site for long enough, it's likely you'll end up having more than one, so it won't be an issue. :lol:


This is true beyond a doubt, but -
Many of our Grandfathers and fathers shaved their entire lives with only one brush at a time in their arsenal.

+1 although I think there is value in letting your brush dry completely between uses. Personally I think two quality brushes would be perfect. I have about 15. :lol:
I think you use best shop Or cream.My B&B Essential gets used many of the time After about a year I have noticed no problems.
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