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Upgrading to a Higher Quality Badger

Hi guys,

Like the title says, I'm in the market for a high quality Badger brush. Here are my requirements:

- $100 range
- Great for bowl lathering....I never face lather.
- Dense
- Good Backbone
- Soft tips

Any recommendations are much appreciated.
Contact Rudy Vey and see if he will make a custom 2-band TGN for you. You can specify the knot diameter and handle length to suit your needs.
How about a Rooney 3/2? Long handle to help with the bowl lather. I have a 3/1, I like the size, but its pure, not the super silvertip. Vintage Blades has the 3/2 at $104.
I've had a great deal of success with brushes made by both Rudy Vey and Bob Quinn (Elite Razor). Being able to specify knots and handles (design and size) adds to the pleasure of a comfortable shave. And the prices these gentlemen charge for the brushes they make are unbelievable.
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