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unusual tuckaway variant

This tuckaway I recently acquired has a very unique case, the lining is red and the engraving on the outside is different.

I have only seen two other tuckaway style razors
and one Norfolk razor
http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The%20NEW/1930s Norfolk gold beschriftet-Logo.jpg
with this case.

The wording of the inner lid label is different from the standard tuckaways or norfolks too.

Any comments or additional information people might have are most welcome.


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This is one of the mystery sets. We don't know what to call it. I just call mine a Tuckaway variant. It's a beauty isn't it. This is now the 3rd one I've seen. I don't know if Scotty still has his. He hasn't posted since school started.

This is one of the mystery sets. We don't know what to call it. I just call mine a Tuckaway variant. It's a beauty isn't it. This is now the 3rd one I've seen. I don't know if Scotty still has his. He hasn't posted since school started.


OK, thats what I will call it too. It is beautiful, thats for sure. Thanks for your comments Len!
Both of ours were made in 1921. My ser# is 406712A. Time wise they are probably fairly close.

Thanks, I noticed the serial from Scotty's variant (from the link above), puts the date of production of his variant at 1921, at a production number between yours and mine. So it seems all of these variants were made in 1921, the year that the new improved was introduced. I suppose these variants are either an introductory edition, or early prototype of the tuckaway.
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I've never seen a Tuckaway with a box like that. I agree that since it was made so early in the production it was likely an introductory run. Let's just call it "Variant X". X for unknown and for the X's on the case.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Any comments or additional information people might have are most welcome.



I can't help much when it comes to vintage, other than to say it is junk- send it my way for proper disposal.:001_smile Seriously, nice looking razor.

i searched the threads for this variant and i want to add my set here too.


the SN date it to 1926. propably it is from the "famous" A.M.Graffis who was an automobil engineer and president of elcar automotive. you can google him... would be reliable cause it is an advertising set too from Motor Products Corp. Detroi, Mich.

i like the style of the whole set especially the red inlay

best regards
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