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Unusual head slots - Gillette New?

I picked up an old Gillette on eBay, and now that it's arrived I'm having trouble identifying it. It came in a bakelite box, and looks like a 1930-ish New, except for the unusual slotted head. Can anyone tell me any more about it? Did News have a variety of different head styles on them?


(pre-cleaning pics)


Nice find:thumbup1: I love Brit gillettes. I have not seen that particular one. I look forward to the experts IDing it! I have a british tech that has similar slots, I have not seen that on the New head.
It's a possibility, I suppose. Here it is cleaned up (though I can now see some polish in the teeth in the pics that I need to clean out!):


I doubt I'll get mine through the post before the bank holiday weekend - I hope it cleans up as well as lagaffe's.
I have a Brit New head like the one posted. Mine came as part of a British Service Set. It is the best shaving new head I own.


Looks a cracker, Chris! It's interesting to see that the 'bumps' on the cap on yours aren't centred but are biased towards one side.

I guess there are quite a few unusual variations on these New heads - really fascinating to see them on this thread. Until now I didn't know these existed!
I finally got around to photographing the razor I bought. It isn't a Gillette but a 7 o'clock, and has suffered quite a lot of plate loss.

It only cost a few pounds so one I could just put down to experience, the thing is though I've been using it for a couple of weeks and it gives such good shaves I'm contemplating getting it replated.

I've bought a NEW since from eBay, and I'm awaiting delivery. If it shaves as well as the 7 o'clock I'll probably not get the latter replated.



Sorry about the quality of photos, but I only have a point and shoot digital.
Just noticed the French Service Set on Mr Razor's site - this looks identical to mine except for the fact that mine doesn't have French on the head!

Don't think that pic was up before earlier this year when I was trying to identify mine. So - mine looks like some kind of Service Set, though not a British one like Xillion's earlier in the thread.
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