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Unknown Sheffield in Cocobolo

This is a nice 6/8 half hollow Sheffield blade. The tang is worn but reads "Jo" something "& Sons". Could be a few different names. Re-scaled in Cocobolo finished with CA. Wedge is brass. I haven't completely mastered wedge making yet but I like the thinner scales and the color & finish came out great.

Very nice and one of my favorite woods. I bet it's a W&B or a fredrick Reynolds as I have restored some that looked very similar.
Nice Job!
Here's the tang. Not much left. "Celebrated Razor" gives it away as a Sheffield blade 1840-1870.



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I think Joseph Rodger has a cross before Joseph but I could be mistaken... It might be a Joseph Fentons
I think that is John, which I bet is John Hollar, or Johnson & Co. Who knows, what counts is that its very pretty and if its like most of the old Sheffield blades I have, its a very nice shaver.
That's a very nice looking razor Kevin. Nice work man. Did you ever get a new tumbler? If you did ,what did you get and how do you like it?
That's a very nice looking razor Kevin. Nice work man. Did you ever get a new tumbler? If you did ,what did you get and how do you like it?

No, still have the old one, grinding away. I just moved it to a remote area in the basement. I've been considering a buffer. Any thoughts? I've been busy lately so, although there's no actual hurry, a restore takes me around a month or so. I've got a Joseph Elliott on the bench right now.
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