As many of you have read a previous post of mine, I am in the midst of picking my first DSLR. I'm very interested in producing a lot of HDR photographs which is why I'm buying a DSLR vs. an advanced P&S.
I just want to understand the basics of what HDR photography is and how the images are produced. Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong
-take 3 AEB shots (underexposed -3, normal exposure, overexposed +3)
-these 3 shots are then layer on top of each other in Photoshop or Photomatix
-if you want more of a surreal look, you can play with it in either of these programs
is that the gist of it?
One of the selling points to the new Pentax K-7, is that it's supposed to automatically combine those three shots to produce one HDR image (in camera). For those who've been doing HDR, is that feature even all that big of a deal? Is it that big of a pain to combine those three shots in imaging software?
I just want to understand the basics of what HDR photography is and how the images are produced. Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong
-take 3 AEB shots (underexposed -3, normal exposure, overexposed +3)
-these 3 shots are then layer on top of each other in Photoshop or Photomatix
-if you want more of a surreal look, you can play with it in either of these programs
is that the gist of it?
One of the selling points to the new Pentax K-7, is that it's supposed to automatically combine those three shots to produce one HDR image (in camera). For those who've been doing HDR, is that feature even all that big of a deal? Is it that big of a pain to combine those three shots in imaging software?