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Understanding differences in DE blades

Hello everyone. I am wondering how to gauge the quality or consistency of DE blades. For example I have sensitive skin and use a Gillette Tech or Lord Merkur Tech razor most of the time, so would it not stand to reason that the redbox Personna blade would be my "best" match? I say that because as I understand it...over all the redbox IP's are considered gentle...right? Why does the very sharp Feather blade work so well for me then? I got a wonderful close shave today with one with no irritation, burning, or redness. Is there a way to determine if a DE blade is going to work for me without trying it out first? What other blades are like redbox IP's? What blades are similar to Feathers? Thanks for the help to a bunch of questions.
Different blades are made to slightly different specs and are held to different standards of quality. I don't think there is any easy way to tell if a blade will work well for you without trying it. You can go by rep, but that is not going to tell you if the blade will work for you in particular or in your particular razor. A big part of how well a blade works is technique, and there is really no way to measure that.

If you've never tried a sampler pack, I'd suggest you get one. You may have some luck buying samples in BST if you don't want to buy an entire sample pack.

And if you are satisfied with the Feathers, stick with them. You mentioned red packs; I've found that I can get consistently good shaves with them. My search for my ideal blade is over!
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Blades are very subjective. Some of the gentlest blades were murder on my face. I absolutely agree that you should try a sampler pack. If the Feathers work, stick with them!
Never tried Feathers, but I love the RP Personnas for their perfect (to me) combination of sharpness and smoothness. Using them with my Slim on 4, I get a close, comfortable shave and it's near impossible to nick or cut myself.
I got a sampler pack of Feathers, Yellow 7 O'Clocks and Super Iridiums. So far the Feathers gave a DFS, the Yellows gave me a BBS on second go, and the Super Iridiums are up there toward a BBS on the first go. I am using a
40s SuperSpeed, for reference. Good luck, John
These gent's hit it pretty good different blades work on everyone differently and in different razors. i.e. a derby in my murker slant will tear my face up but in my SS does great. If I take a feather it's the flip oppisate. As with almost every other aspect of this fine hobby YMMV.

Best of luck on your search for that perfect combo!!
Red IP's, Crystals and 7 O'clock yellows have worked the best for me,
Feathers, Derby's and Astra's brutal

Blades are very subjective.... you need to try them for yourself.... and go back and try them later again
I have actually found, that I am pretty fortunate, as I can use a lot of different blades and get an effective shave.

So far, Derby, Feather, and Red IP's are my favorites. I also really like the Gillette Seven O'Clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens).
Thanks for the help, so in a nutshell if I get a good shave with a Feather...then stick with it. If an Astra gives me razor burn...then simply do not use another one. OK simple and to the point, thanks very much.
The local WalMart starting stocking US made Personna DE blades earlier this week - inexpensive. I took the time to come home and check the B&B for any reactions or past evaluations. I returned today to find the space empty! Somebody bought all 12 or so packs..........! I don't know if this was a save or a loss?!
The local WalMart starting stocking US made Personna DE blades earlier this week - inexpensive. I took the time to come home and check the B&B for any reactions or past evaluations. I returned today to find the space empty! Somebody bought all 12 or so packs..........! I don't know if this was a save or a loss?!

Any blade available locally is worth trying, just so you know what you have available for an emergency situation. The Wal-Mart Personnas are well worth trying. Some people like them a lot, others not so much; you will never know if they work for you, until you give them a whirl.
The walmart blades are definitely worth a try. afaik they are the same blades that are repackaged and sold in cvs. Except I saw them going for $5+ there!

I think there are very few people here who are actually going to run out of blades and need to run down to walmart. :001_smile
For me, Gillette 7 O'clock SharpEdge (Yellow pack), IP red pack, and Bluebirds are the clear winners. With that said, I'm still working through a sampler and used a Zorrik the other day and it was good. I have also ruled out Derbys, Crystals, Dorcos and Wallyworld personnas through the same process. Blade choice is quite personal, you have to do the experiment.
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