I bought a Slim on ebay and I think it is underclocked, is there a way to check if it is underclocked by the picture ?
It would appear that you have no blade gap when set at 1, if that picture is any indication.
That is exactly the point!
Sorry If I wasnt clear enough.
BTW, thanks for the info Graybeard.
If I "overclock" it, in the next 1-9 set It wont reach the number 9, It goes only to 8.
Slim set to 9
I think my slim opens a little wider than that, but not a whole lot. Can one partially overclock a razor? It looks like your range is just shifted a bit.
That's a possibility. The handle could be in a different position now relative to the head. In fact, if the razor has ever been taken apart, it is much easier to get the handle back on wrong than right.
edit: That sort of misalignment should create another problem as well. It should cause your doors to open funny, like not all the way, or way too far open.
heres a link on how to take apart http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=46559